Chapter XXXVI- Better

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I was thrown from my slumber by a sound like the slamming or a door. Before I could even pull myself up into a seated position, a familiar silhouette moved from the doorway to my bedside at an alarming rate.

"Are you ok? Where are you hurt?" Ciardha's voice was obviously panicked and broken as he gently cupped my cheek with one hand before putting the other on my neck. After a moment, his shoulders sagged with relief and he moved to start patting down my arms

It took me a second to process what he was doing in my half awake- have asleep state. He's making sure I'm breathing- and checking for injuries. The thought passed through my mind.

"I-I'm fine!" I stuttered blushing profusely as the tingling sensations overcame my body. I moved to push his hands away but he caught them in his own.

"You're bleeding. I can smell your blood- you're not fine," His voice was so dark and icy- for the first time, a moment of fear went through my body.

I can smell you blood... I thought over his words, and then- my stomach dropped. Shit shit shit shit shit.

Before I could protest, Ciardha pulled back the sheets in one swift motion and we both stared at the dark blood stain seeping between my legs. My face turned a deep red with embarrassment, and I moved to yank the covers back over my legs.

"I'm so sorry," my voice came out almost in a whimper. I felt absolutely mortified. I had ruined his sheets in the very least- and there's no way these were cheap. I felt wet, hot tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

"Wha-Whats happening to you?" His voice was full of confusion and worry.

"I'm so sorry," I repeated, hoping the dots would connect in his mind.

He pulled back the blanket and stared at the stain. I moved to push my hands to cover his eyes. I was humiliated.

"Mate," His voice came out in a low growl, "Who did this to you?"

I said nothing for a long moment, pondering how to answer his question. Tears still rolled down my cheeks despite my internal protests for them to stop.

"No one- It's human," I said, and then I realized as I said those words- maybe periods weren't commonplace in the fae realm.

He held my hands gently in his. This was the most vulnerable I had seen him- he seemed broken at the thought that I had been hurt. For some reason- that though brought a warm feeling all throughout my stomach. "How can I make it better?"

"I- I better wash off... and I'm sorry about the sheets," I mumbled, and moved to climb out of the bed.

Before my feet even grazed the cold marble ground, I was scooped up into strong, warm arms.

If I wasn't tired, in pain from cramps, and emotionally vulnerable because of my hormones- I would have protested that I could walk myself. But right then- nothing felt better then being held in the arms of my mate.

He carried me to the bathroom, which I slowly blinked my eyes to get adjusted to. He began to fill the black marble clawfoot tub. Thank god the Court of Darkness had adequate plumbing.

We didn't speak, I just kept my eyes in my lap as the tub was filled and Ciardha poured bubbles, salts and oils into it. Occasionally, he would reach out and gently rub my back. I could see him worriedly glancing at me from the corner of his eye every few seconds.

As soon as the tub filled, he looked at my expectedly, I flushed a hot pink and mumbled for him to turn around. As soon as he did, I peeled the now stained slip off as well as the undergarments.

I climbed into the warmth of the bath. As soon as I did, Ciardha turned around. He couldn't see anything because of the bubbles and the murky water- but it didn't matter. I was naked in the same room as him and for some reason that made me extremely self conscious.

He cleared his throat, catching my attention, "What- what is happening to you?"

"I get the feeling that this doesn't happen to your females, does it?"

Ciardha shook his head slowly, confusion written all over his normally all knowing face.

"Um.. it's called a period. It's totally normal- we, human girls that is- we just bleed for a couple days every month," I searched for words to explain it. I hadn't had to explain it to anyone but my younger sister.

"You bleed for days? Every month?"

I nodded slowly, "Yes- from when you're around 12 until you're 50 or so, or if you're pregnant. Basically, every month your body prepares for a child, and if you don't get pregnant, your body rips itself apart to start over again. For me it lasts about a week."

His normally commanding blue eyes were wide in shock- it reminded me a bit of a child.

"Does... Does it hurt?" His voice was soft but laced with worry.

I bit my lip and smiled at his concern, even though it sure as hell wasn't my first period and most likely won't be my last... unless I became a fae in the next month.

"Well- yes it can hurt a lot. You can get cramps in your lower stomach or pain in your back, you also can get super nauseous. On top of that, it can make your hormones go wild- giving you mood swings."

I was used to how a woman's body worked- hell I was a woman, and on top of that I was the apprentice to a midwife. Despite this, I felt like I was fumbling for words under his hot gaze.

In a low tone- so low I thought I didn't hear it- I heard him whisper, "How can I make it better?"

"Well- chocolate helps," I laughed and then I felt his icy hot gaze on me, "And you could stay with me?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I even could register what I was asking. 

To me- this is such a cute scene I can't help but think they are so cute- especially Ciardha in this section. Comment! Vote! read or whatever... I love yall!

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