【Remember】Chapter 48 (GE)

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"If you children are ready then come at me with all you got!" Mount Lady said as she activates her quirk and become enormous, occupying most of our vision. We nodded to each other as a signal of starting and dashes in different directions.

"Oh, where are you all going?" It was definite that she will turn huge as soon as this combat started, therefore the only job we have to do is keep Momo in secret in work of her plan and

distract her.

This whole plan of us was built on distraction.

"Remember, our goal is only to distract her until Momo-chan is ready for her part, ribbit." We all nodded as we were going through the confirmation of our plan one last time. "I'll repeat the plan again," I said.

"Since Mount Lady becoming huge at the starting is a must, we will use the advantage to hide out in the bushes. Yaomomo will then start to make a giant blanket of sticky stuff...or whatever that is huge enough. Each of us will take turns and charge in pairs, where the other two will be in charge of looking out for her."

"We need to keep her in an absolutely safe area as possible," Kirishima added.

"Then after the pair is finished, they will switch jobs, and the next pair will be up. The groups will try to tire out Mount Lady as much as they can before switching till next and next. We got five people here so there's no doubt we will succeed. At last, when we think she's tired and Yaomomo is ready for her part, Izuku and I will be paired and go against her. He will punch her in the back, wherein return she will shrink small, and I will create a huge hole that she will fell inside. The other three will cover the hole with the blanket and she will be stuck inside."

"And even if she has the ability to turn big again, my blanket will be sure to blind her eyes."

My flashback was ended by a sudden punch toward us. It was our turn to distract the pro-hero first.

With my quick reflex, I charged toward a different direction, escaping the attack. Tsu was beside me while jumping from treetop to treetop. I glance around the field to look for the others, gladly, they couldn't be found.

I launch myself upward using my bow and landed on top of her head. "W-What-"

In return, she swings her head around with her golden hair flowing. Tsu then takes the chance to try to strangle her with some ropes that Yaomomo made before we separate, but then again we were just for distraction.

Within our time, we manage to destroy basically every tree around here, creating a vast empty area for us to use. We have been going on for approximately more than an hour now. It wasn't long before the heat starts to kick in and I was feeling slightly dizzy.

"(Y/n)-chan? Are you okay?" Tsu looked at me and went by my side, however, it was interrupted by another kick from the gigantic hero. "Yup!" I shouted my answer loudly across. I could feel my power draining more and more, so eventually, I gave up on using my quirk. I focus mostly on escaping her attacks while Tsu will disturb with a consistent jump on top of her head just to annoy her. In return, it will usually be a violent swing or just directly shrinking small.

"You guys, are really something..." Mount Lady said while wiping her sweat from her forehead and giving us a smile. "But that isn't going to stop me! I am a pro-hero, okay. In all ways, I would be stronger than you!"

It's true, every single part of the sentence was true. She indeed was stronger than every one of us here, perhaps still when we combine three people together. However, the possibility is still there when it comes to defeating her with all of us.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz