【Reminded.】Chapter 38

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"Let's have a fun time shall we?" She didn't hesitate to bring the knife close to me this time, instead, it went directly to my arm.

I tried to hold back my scream of the pain, but it was just too much for me to handle. I wanted to move away, but unfortunately, she has pinned me on the ground. "Now, don't move around much, otherwise you will just be in more pain. Why don't you accept my friendly offer for you to be my friend?"

I shook my head. By her meaning of friend, she probably means that she will cut off my head and put it somewhere on her wall. She took the dagger out again, creating another wave of pain and yet I failed at keeping down my voice.

Her vision traveled across my body, searching for a place to cut deep into me again. Looking around, I want to find one of her weakness or any chance that I could use to escape.

But even if I do, I still have no way to escape her. With these amounts of wound, I can't possibly run away. Her speed is fast enough to catch me, running away wouldn't do any good.

I need a plan. I need a plan that can save my life, but the instability caused by the negativity and despair had causes chaos. I couldn't think properly.

So I haven't conquered my weakness yet.

I still have too much to do, too much to say, I just couldn't die yet.

And out of nowhere ice formed around her hands that were on the ground, freezing her in the position and given me the small hope that I really needed. Quickly, I moved away from her and back off. But it doesn't stop her from attacking her target as she broke free and dashes toward me again. She was giggling crazily and her knife was swinging around insanely.

"I am NOT going to let other people interrupt our lovely time together, friend!"

When I opened my eyes again, I expect it to be surrounded by all the things I enjoy and my grandmother while experiencing a tremendous amount of pain, regretting all that I haven't done and thanks to the end that's arriving at my life at the same time. That wasn't the case, however, my vision was covered by the whiteness of one's familiar quirk which embraced me from the potential danger incoming, I blinked. Then I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me and holding me slightly tightly, the person's breath was unstable and shaking. I couldn't see what his expression was or figure the reason that his heartbeat was uneven, whether it was from the run or the possible outcome, I didn't focus much on it.

I focused on two specific facts. One, I am alive. Two, I am alive in Shouto's arms.


Now I am the one who started to lose control of my emotion. I grabbed his shirt and returned the hug, I closed my eyes to let myself sink into this dream that had come true.

"Thank you," I said that in my voice and even I was surprised how weak the sound came out. His grips tightened, his breathing is still uneven and his face was still invisible. He nuzzled into my neck and said into my ear his worries.

He was scared, scared to lose me. It's one of the first times I felt that I was needed. This unperfect, lame, weak me have someone who's way out of my league and he needed me.

But then that was it, I used up all my energy and it's time for me to fall in the darkness once again. However, I didn't let it consume me that easily since the next thing happened had kept me stay in conscious.

The trees around us have caught on fire which we couldn't possibly locate the source of it. He hadn't waited for any moment before shooting off more ice to strength the barrier. The melted ice turned into water and dripped off the ceiling and landing on our heads. He held me closed so that I wouldn't be affected by the droplets. Shouto then picked me up in a bridal style as he broke the top area of the ice protection and exited this whiteness.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now