【Reminded.】Chapter 45

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It was already three weeks after I woke up from the coma. Apparently, I woke up sooner than expected, within half a month. That day when I woke, he brought my (f/f) as a way to celebrate since I still have to stay in the hospital for further check-ups.

I left the hospital about ten days ago and a lot had happened. The city's crime rate was rising at an incredible speed, with an average of over two cases a day, more than ten cases per week. Pro heroes were all exhausted, most of the teachers at UA had also brought along students as a participate training in facing villains, though we usually watch from a distance.

There was a clear fact that is slowly floating up everyone's concern. The world's safety. All Might was in a bad state, which I knew from reading over my parents' secret documents, and most times villains had tried to target our school. As a result, we had to train and learn more techniques as fast as possible so we could overcome the number of evils out there doing wrongs.

It also came to my mind that this world was going exactly where Hanako had said. The crime rate will increase to cover up a fact of an even scarier terrorist event awaiting the world. Two's information was unknown for everyone except Hanako and me, who I lost contact with. The last time I saw her was inside my reflection. Now, she can be found nowhere.

Surely there are good things happening out of the bad...yes, there are. Even though it's only related to the relationship between my boyfriend and me, our love had grown even stronger.

Now the only thing left to do is to stop her.

"(Y/N)!!" Ochako called from the distance, waving her hands high so I could see her. I smiled and caught up to the girl fast. I greeted her and walk with her to the entrance gate.

"It's good to see you back in school again!! I missed you and every member of 'protect (y/n)'s smile'!!! Especially Mena, I mean, that girl had gone insane without you. She was literally shouting your name but you weren't there to see!!"

"Well, I can imagine that..."

"And so much more had happened! I mean like the world is at a current mess and more!"

"Yeah..." I ended off looking away from her. "I heard what had happened around this place. So what about it? Doesn't anyone have any plan of a way to stop all these?"

"The pro heroes seem to have a way of solution, yet, it really didn't come out as a successful way to stop it for some reason. Some people are already saying as if it's the end of the world. I mean, of course not! We are going to be amazing heroes and fight along with the other pros!"

"Yeah- wait what!?!? We are going to fight along with the other people even though we were only students of the U.A. like not even a year?"

"That seems to be the thing..." Momo had appeared behind us and join our talkings. "Since so many heroes had been injured, there is no other options."

"But I thought we were only going to watch?" Iida had also shown up, he asks while lifting his glasses.

It's good to be back in the class.

"Yes, we are only able to watch, unfortunately. However, we could participate right?" Midoriya joined our group as well. We walk down the hallway and up the stairs, entering the familiar classroom.

"What do you mean to participate?!?! DO YOU REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS IT IS?" The crazy Bakugo said while glaring at the green-haired boy, causing him to flinch a little. "W-Well we can't just watch them fight and get injured right...?"

Then there was this silence that I didn't like.

He's true. We are trained to be heroes and heroes aren't meant to leave people behind at any given time against the bad. They could be pro heroes, however, I am sure by solving these many cases, they could probably faint anytime. We can't just stand there and watch...

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now