【Reminded.】Chapter 35

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"What are you thinking we play next?" asked the over-energy girl. "Mena, we've already played like ten games, when are you going to be tired??" Momo asked as she sighs. Most people are in the living room except a few, who went to bed early, like Bakugo and Tokoyami. Surprising, Shouto didn't leave though. He said that he wanted to stay with me though I could see his eyes were filling with tiredness.

"You sure you don't want to go to sleep?" I asked. He shook his head and stay in silence, looking at me blankly as he does so. "Okay, then."

"What about we play hide and seek?" She suggested as she waved her arms in excitement. "Sure!" The spikey red and yellow haired males agreed at her suggestion while I just smiled as I nodded. Ochako, on the other hand, was trying hard to keep awake while Tsu was in the same situation. Sero was hanging well, as excited as other boys. Midoriya and Iida was sweat dropping at the fact that the girl will never run out of energy for playing games.

Hagakure, which I call Toru at this point, have her sleeves up. I supposed she was raising her hand. "I want to be the tagger!" She exclaimed in joy, clearly not sleepy at all. I nodded again as I started making rules. Anywhere in the whole building is fine to hide in, just not balcony, swimming pool, and the afternoon tea area. All of them understood the rules and started heading off in a different direction.

I grabbed Shouto, who's been watching me at the whole time, causing my heart not to be as calm as it should be, and ran toward upstairs. Toru started counting and faced the wall, though I can't actually tell.

I searched around for places to hide, it'll be easy if it was only me but I couldn't leave this sleepy boy alone, so I have to search harder for places that will fit the both of us. I opened a closet which I found Kaminari hiding inside of it.

We headed off to the third floor which I guess no one's up here. I took some glances around and tried to map the terrain. I then gaze back at the sleepy male, who was still looking at me but now rubbing his eyes and yawned. My little heart exploded and I started fangirling hard within me.

OMG, how can he be this cute?

He's fucking cute oh my lord.

Hey, watch your language.

I really have to picture this.

And at that point, I heard an announcement from the bottom floor. "Guys, I have an idea, what if the loser will have to dress up in something bad??"

"Sure!! That's an amazing idea." I could picture Ochako smirking through her voice. And this put me in a stituation which I can't afford to lose.

I soon spotted another closet which was large enough for us to hide in though it will be a little tight. "Hey, Shouto? What about we go inside there?" He nodded and started walking toward there, clearly wasn't in the mood of changing plans.

We both got in the closet.


This place is way smaller than it looks.

Because of this closet is small, there were little spaces between our bodies. His head was resting on my shoulder while I tried to scoop backward but being stopped by his arms wrapping around my waist. My hands have no other where to go so I have to lean them against his chest as of how my head is.

Soon, Toru started searching for people as she yelled, "I'm comming!!!" from the first floor. It wasn't a long time before I felt the weight on my shoulder getting heavy and heavier. "S-Shouto?" Now all of his weight was fully on mine and I couldn't handle it myself. I tried to shake him a little but no response was gotten out from that as I sigh. There wasn't any hope on moving him myself, might as well wait for her to find us.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now