【Reminded.】Chapter 25

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We sat down on a bench where only silence can be heard. I looked at him while he just looked at his hand as if it was the most interesting thing ever existed.

Nothing will let this boy say out his feelings easily right? Perhaps I was just minding too much here but I couldn't stand him showing his sad face. Maybe I'll never let him say out his emotions and help him.

Or maybe I can.

"Let me tell you a little story." I started. I hope I can get him open up to be by using this personal experience. "There once is this person. She was always happy, always have this smile that can lighten up one's day and loves to laugh. She is a girl of joy. Then something had strike into her life like nothing ever have."

I hold back the sadness that was roaring inside my heart.

"Everything she once knew had changed, from heaven to hell, she felt like she had fallen. From the world of happiness suddenly she dropped to the darkness of miserable. Everything seems to fall apart and yet, things still kept on getting worse and worse..." I suddenly realized that I was going too deep with this and my emotion was going to control me so I went on straight to my point.

"However, one day, she thought it was a normal day of torture when the truth is, there was actually someone who cared about her. She took their hand and suddenly realized that keeping emotions to herself won't do any good. And from that day on, she returned back to the world of joyfulness."

The boy looked at me confusedly.

"The end," I said as I let off a giggle. "The moral is, it's okay to tell your trouble to the others. Perhaps they won't understand but trust me," I looked over at him with my smile.

"It feels good when you let your pressure out."

Shouto, slightly taken back by the words I speak, haven't take his eyes off me yet. It's a good sign. His eyes were in confusion and worry, as if those could speak, he must be thinking to himself could I be trusted or not. I assure him with the confidence that is glowing in my eyes and softens my gaze.

"So what happened?"

He turns his head over to see the view in front of him rather than me. And he started slowly. "...My father, he does crazy training on me." I nodded and pretend to be shocked as I waited for him to continue. "He pushes me over my limits and urged me to become a hero of number one when I grew up. Since I was small, I was taught through a lot of things that blocked me from having a normal childhood and even my mother..." He gripped his hands harder and harder until some parts of it started to turn pure white.

I pat gently on his shoulder and he was tensed up by my contact until later he finally softens up. He looked at me once more before speaking again.

"Thank you, (Y/n). You're right about how speaking out emotions will make one feel better." He stands up and lends me his hand, I gladly took it and stood beside him.

"I am going to win this, using my mother's power only, and show him that I can do this without his help."

"Actually I want to tell you one more thing," I said to Shouto. "You know, it's your power. It's not your father's." I walked forward a couple of steps and turned around to face him again with a smile as I continued to finish what I got to say.

"And it's your life, Shouto. It's not his."

I walked back to the waiting room, still blushing at what happened just now after our little conversation.

He had hugged me...and even after ten minutes, I am still here unable to concentrate on the upcoming quarter-final challenge. I continue to have the scene replaying for a five good minutes before settling my mood.

The first race that was coming up in this section was going to be the fight between Shouto and Midoriya, sadly I will be waiting here since the last match I attended, I was watching the game of him and Seto which cause the people to worry a bit for not seeing me in this room. I was then banned to watch the match so I won't be unfounded when my turn started.

I sigh as I looked around this empty room. I wanted to watch the match between Midoriya and Shouto so badly since it'll definitely be an epic one. However, now isn't the time to fangirl around the hug that hotty gave you...


I facepalmed.

I tried to slip out the room so I could have a glimpse at the race which was going on. I walked down the hallway eventually reached the end where I saw Shouto, standing between ashes and ice shards was him, using his other side of the quirk.

His fire side.

And I felt so proud as my eyes contact with him. His eyes were widening and half of his shirt was gone and the fire was shooting out around.

I saw his lips moved and I figured what he was saying is, thank you.

With that, the match ended within a few minutes as Midnight announced, "The winner is Todoroki!" I smiled happily and the little flame in me grew bigger and bigger as my confidence grew stronger.

The match between Iida and me soon started. I, once again, stand on the opposite side of my rival and wait for the hero to say her word before dashing into motion. "Start!" Those words brought me to my step as I charge to him with daggers in my hand.

I jumped and was about to land my attack on him until he dashes beside. I landed without my target be out of the match, instead, was a comeback by him. He got his two hands on my shoulder as he pushes me with full speed toward the line.

I struggled to get off his grip but it didn't work until I was only a little away from it. I quickly dissolved my daggers and used my bow, aimed, and shot at the clear air front of us which the effect happened as I expected.

The impact of the bow has brought his movement of me to slow down and I was able to get off his grip. I quickly aimed at him and shot off another arrow but he was just too quick.

Iida rushes around the field with me continuing to aim and shoot, no result came for the next two minutes or so until a plan popped into my head.

I stopped attacking with my bow and he stood in his place in confusion of why I stopped attacking. I smiled and dissolved my bow as I looked at him in the eyes.

Iida was unaware of where I was going so he again has started to push me toward the line fastly. I wasn't struggling free this time and I didn't even fight back. I can hear the audiences being taken back in their breath of my unpredictable actions.

And at the last second, before my feet can be pushed outside, I called upon the mace and swing it hard against the ground, causing several cracks to appear. Because of this force, I was able to let him being swing into the air. I quickly took steps back into the field as he landed on the ground but

outside of the line.

There was a silence before the crowd started to cheer again. "The winner is (Y/n)!!!" Midnight announced as people showered me with their claps. "Well done, (Y/n)," Iida was walking up to me. I smiled back at his compliment. "I really thought you were giving up, however, how naive of me to think that way."

"You too did a good job there! Quite a speed for dashing my arrows around during the what, two full minutes?" We laughed at the moment as he gave me a thumbs up. "I am sure you can do this, (Y/n), go and win this!"

"Thanks," I replied and kept on my smile.

I am finishing most of the bnha one-shots and xreader books of Todoroki...poor me need to search harder for new ones

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now