【Reminded.】Chapter 17

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【Reminded.】Chapter 17

"Well, since you guys are here, what is it that you wanted to ask?" I already know what they were going to ask about. It's the question that has to come at me no matter what, just the time difference.

"So...Todoroki and (Y/n), are you guys the icy blossom?"

As expected, it is the question that they were planning on asking. The boy beside me had his eyes wide open and is now looking at me in shock. I bet he's confused at this time.

My reply will decide whether the secret that I tried to keep will come under the sunlight or not. If I told them the truth, they will know that we were somewhat connected back then and Todoroki will come at me with a thousand questions. All those nightmares that I had back then will have the chance of enlarging and for the rest of my life will only be me and the countless sleepless of nights. However, if I don't tell them, I am sure this question will still haunt me over the future times and...

I can't bare the thought of lying to my friends.

I gripped my hand tighter until it's shaking. I didn't look at anyone and decide to look toward the street behind them while wearing an emotionless face.

Since when did I become this weak?

I currently am surrounded by the people that I trusted the most yet asking the question that hurts the most. It's basically a question of choosing over friends or me. Damn, I must be incredibly selfish so I can take time deciding over this.

Then a hand holds onto mine tightly. It was a simple action but it calmed me so much, it stopped me from continuing shaking. I looked behind to see who was it.


"Kaminari-chan and Mena-chan, I am sure you're curious about the question. However, couldn't you see that she's having a hard time answering it? Perhaps it was something she wasn't comfortable in sharing."

"We're sorry..." They both said in unison once more.

She then looked over to Todoroki, who was still standing there speechless.

"Sometimes, we have to think about how other feels. Pushing them to answer something they weren't ready for wasn't the best plan you could come up. You must be confused, but I sure she does too."

And I was pulled away from those three.

We went to a park nearby and sat on the bench, watching the kids running by as they shouted in laughter, creating happiness, and maybe making memories they won't dare to forget. I looked at them and smiled. It was like the time before.

While he still remembers me.

Then I got sad. To be honest, I am truly getting tired from this me that is mood-changing just over some incident like around ten years ago. I really couldn't understand myself sometimes.

But if I can't even understand, what can possibly do?

"(Y/n)-chan..." I turned to see the frog girl with her worrisome face on. I then cupped her with both of my hand as I used my thumb to create a smile on her face. "You look better with your smile on," I said.

"You will also look better with your 'true' smiles on."

Nothing was wrong, she was right. Then this must be the reason that I am now unable to move, or is it because of the fear that someone had figured out this mask that I've been wearing?

"...You know?" I let go of my hand and turn my face to watch the kids again.

There was a silence, something that I had hoped to have during the past years. But something feels off, I didn't want it to be present now.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now