【Reminded.】Chapter 26

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So currently the situation is like this. I am sitting in this room alone with my hands over my head, trying to piece up the things together. I have won the match between Iida and I thought my battle will be against the angry blonde but it seems that destiny has another thought on this. The next match, the coming up one, will be a battle between Shouto and me.

Both of us have our own reasons that push us to win this festival so it's clear that none of us will step down from the fight. For the last twenty minutes or so, I am trying to figure out things and clear up my mind. I came up with the followings.

One, if I won this, then I will be sure on top two. Two, even if I don't I might still be on top three. Next, the chance of me winning is extremely small since Shouto will be using both of his sides...if I manage to get him to do so. Also, he's super strong, I even doubt that Bakugo will win at guarantee.

With more and more thoughts flooding into my mind, it's getting harder and harder to settle down. What if I lose? Does that mean that I will have to tell him about the past? Am I drunk even to make the bet at the first place? Ahhhhh...

I hit myself so I will stop thinking too much. Take a deep breath followed by a exhale, I stood up and started to walk around the room. Those previous matches, those times we trained together, by recalling those only let my hopes drop even further. What's wrong with me and those thoughts? Why am I so negative??

Oh yeah, it's not a one-day thing.

With each step speeding faster and faster, frustration soon caught up with me as I rub my hair, making them messy. "Ahhhhhh!" I growl, annoyed by those ideas that weren't leaving me in peace.

I really need to start planning a strategy otherwise there's no way I will be able to win against him. Perhaps, let him be the first to attack and try to figure out the flaw in his movement? Or take action first then find out the mistake in his action?

I don't know.

"(Y/n), please get ready to enter the battlefield." The voice has announced into the room. I slowly drag myself to the door and spin the doorknob. I wish I will get a chance to come back to this prepare room...

I cupped my own cheeks hardly, to wake myself up from these dreadful imaginations of me losing.

You know you'll come back here again and then you'll stand on in the first place.

I smiled as the confidence find its way back to my heart. That's right, just have some faith in yourself.

Maybe he will trip outside the line when he dodges an attack of yours (Y/n).

Yeah, that's possible.

With that, I left the area with no fear, only the me who is ready to claim the first place of this Sports Festival.

"Now, audiences, after a short break, we're back with our competition!" The people shouted and clapped, I can see Shouto from this side of the area.

I am going to defeat you. Hard.

"The match that will be going on soon will be the first part of the semi-final, (Y/n) verses Shouto! Please, competitors, enter the field."

I walked into the limelight as he did the same. "Ready," I took a step into the line. taking a deep breath was the only thing I can do to embrace myself from the fighting that will be coming up as soon as the word falls. I closed my eyes and slowly, a memory crept up my mind.


I gripped hard onto my hands and looked down. What I have forgotten was something that was going to be deadly to me. Those memories, those emotions, they are slowly growing back. It will only be the matter of time when it gains the control of my body.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now