【Reminded.】Chapter 38.5

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I walked out of the house with the others, making our way to the lake as I turned my face around to the other side. I didn't want them to see the blush that I was wearing.

It still felt like a dream, that I somehow confessed to her my true feelings and somehow she accepted me.

She is just too cute that it's sometimes too hard to handle.

I followed the group to reach the lakeside. The gentle breeze had caused me to glance the other side, admiring the natural beauty while smiling to myself. I relaxed and took a seat beside the calming water, watching the clouds floating from one place to another, hearing the other's joyful laughter, and watch back to the blue. This was like heaven.

I took out a book that I carried here and enjoyed my time under the rays of sunshine. However, my mind still was occupied by a certain (h/c) girl. She was just too stunning and hard to get off mind.

It didn't take long before the group of people started to separate around the lakeside, doing what they wanted to do. Some trained, some slept, some were chatting, and the rest was like me, enjoying this view. I am fortunate to know about this place's existence.

After a while, I stood up from where I was and decided I should spend some time on training, too, as I walked into a deeper part of the woods. The bird's symphony hasn't stopped and the sprinkle of the sunlight shines through the spaces of the leaves, creating this amazing environment that I am currently in.

"Todoroki!" I heard a familiar voice that called for my name, so I turned around to meet my eyes with Midoriya. "Is it okay if I train with you?"

I didn't accept his suggestion before a hesitation, causing him to back up in his place a little. "It's okay if you don't want too...I get it that training by yourself might be better..." But I nodded.

We fought each other for quite some time before we lay back and took a short break. Being totally tired from the extreme action just now, we took place underneath a tree's shade. He handed me a bottle of water which I replied a "Thanks."

The breeze that brought the flowers' scent among calmed the heat from the blazing sun. I took a glance at the green haired boy beside me.

"I think you're a very powerful person, Todoroki," he said. "You have a strong quirk and know how to react to problems. You have a calm attitude throughout everything and can always find a way to defeat your enemy." He looked over at me before continuing. "I've always wanted to become a hero since I first saw All Might on the television. He is strong and is very cool, protecting the citizen from the attacks of the villains." He clenched his fist hard. "That's why I need to work hard, very hard, maybe twice than everyone here in order to match up you guys footsteps. I want to be strong so I can be a pro-hero someday and give peace to this world."

This reminds me, I've watched the part that he played on the entrance test for U.A. and it's true that he've improved a lot since then. From breaking every single possible bone that he known of to the point of his extraordinary ranking in the Sports festival, he had grown more...powerful.

"...Me too," I responded. "I also admire All Might's strength and his actions, being the hero that can make people living in a peace-as-possible environment...I won't lose to you, Midoriya," I looked at him confidently.

"I will not lose too, Todoroki."

Somehow the conversation brought up something in my mind.

I dropped this thought aside when my head started to hurt. I stood up and lend a hand to him. We both stood up and continue to train.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now