【Reminded.】Chapter 14

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"Is this some kind of event that'll be going on?" Midoriya, who was standing beside me asked as he takes a step forward.

I don't think so.

"This is not some teachers or anyone from the school! These are Villains, real villains!"

And my heart sank as my instinct came true. It was real villains that we are facing right now and we had no other way to get through to the exit or the entrance.

Like if our mind was connected, we as a class give it a go and ran toward the door. With our max speed, it didn't take long before we shorten our distance to the door.

Then a villain popped in front of us. I called upon my dagger for self-defense but before I can attack, I was being swallowed by the darkness.

I was scared, nothing seems to be visible in front of me. I am alone in the place I hate to be and no one is ever going to save me. I will only be left here to suffer, cry, give up. Soon my existence will be gone and no one will remember me.

Then I landed on the ground hard.

Damn. I was getting emotional, glad the floor wakes me up a little.

I stood up back and decide to look around, observe where am I actually at. There were muddy grounds and one step slipped could lead me to become a "rolling girl". I mentally laugh at the pun as I concluded: this is the mudslide area.

I calmed myself a little and try to make sense what had just happened. So I was in a dark area then I suddenly got here. So the villain have...teleportation quirk?

I knew that teleportation is very rare and now when I actually get a chance to see, actually I was being teleported here, it happens to be on the evil side.

I walked around to search for anyone, classmate or villain then saw him.

"You okay?" I said to the multi-colored male as he just returned me with a nod and stood back up.

"We were teleported?"

"Yes, and I suppose the villains will be coming-" I was cut off by around ten enemies that are now surrounding us.

I spun around trying to find an escape route, however, none of them I can see. The only way to get through this is to defeat them.

Within my mind, a plan was coming together.

If I use the technique that I practice earlier, I can come back down with the huge amount of impact and Todoroki will build up an ice wall around this area. Then the power of it might be able to send the enemies flying without damaging this place that badly.

"So Todoroki, I have a plan-" I was about to tell him my way of breaking through them when all I heard was a word.


This is the point I truly admire his power. I did what he said and by the time I landed back to the surface, everything was frozen, including every single enemy visible. I was stunned by how fast his ice came together though it wasn't the first time seeing it. He froze the whole building last time.

"Well, that works too..." I said to myself as I trailed off with my mind, still blank from the view in front of me. We watched the enemies struggled as I sweatdropped. If there was any tiny part of me that wanted to be a part of the villain I am pretty sure it was wiped out of existence as I realized that there was a student this powerful beside me. Even I am feeling life threaten just by standing here.

But I kept a calm expression on me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah just never been that scared with someone I thought I understand."


"Nope, nothing."

We were soon clear with our area where we then went in the direction of Mr. Aizawa. He was pretty badly hurt so we figured that we might help him out. He is a pro-hero though facing so many enemies might be a problem and besides, he wasn't meant for frontlines.

However, by the time we were there, all we heard was the great punch of All Might and it sent a monster called "Nomu" flying directly through the roof into the clear blue sky. I think everyone here is extraordinarily strong.

So this whole chaos ended under our greatest hero of all time, All Might.

That day, the school had us a day off where they will increase the alerting system in school. To think of it now, the alert wasn't going off when those villains came in the USJ. Some people in the class decide to use this time wisely and hang out in an arcade gaming place.

"So you, Midoriya, Iida, Ochako, Tsu, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami is going?" I asked as the pink haired girl who is now waiting for my answer eagerly.

"Sure, Ashido! I will be glad about attending it!"

"Don't have to be formal," she replied with one of the brightest smiles that I had seen in my life. "Just call me Mina, (y/n)."

I also responded with a bright smile of my own.

"Awww, (y/n), you're so cute!" Before I can react, Ochako and Tsu are already surrounding me with their shining aura around them.

"Look's like we have a new member, Ochako-chan."

"Yes, Mena! You want to join us in our 'protect (y/n)'s smile' fan group?"

"OMGOMGOMGOMG SURE please count me in!"

I facepalmed and sigh as I call it a day along with my 'fans' screaming behind in the background.

A little short, out of ideas

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now