【Reminded.】Chapter 31

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"Do you want a cup of coffee?" She asked as she moved from her place, walking over to a cabin to pull up a cup and another pack of coffee powder, waiting for my answer.

"Actually, yes please." She smiled a bit at my answer as she pulls out another cup. Soon, the scent of it starts to fill the area again as she handed me the mug. "Thanks," I said, not taking a sip of it.

What if she put poison within it?

But I am really thirsty...

Nah, I've lived long enough.

No, but wait I just got myself a boyfriend I don't want to die yet.

I was brought back to reality as I heard a giggle. She looked at me with a smile and her eyes were curved because of her facial expression. "It's okay, there aren't any drugs in it."

I look at her suspiciously.

"What? If I want to kill you, you'll be dead by now, since I could stop the time." It sounded reasonable, so I gave in and took a sip into the drink.

"Now, let's get to the topic." She walked beside me and lean on the edge, as what I was doing as well. I didn't feel alert and I am not sure why. My instinct tells me that she had changed.

So I listen carefully.

"You've heard by the time you entered here right? The Reflection Headquarters alpha thingy," I nodded and took another sip. This coffee is addicting.

"Reflection is an experiment that a group of scientists has started. However, it's not just any scientists, the people who are allowed to join in was the people who stood on the villain side." I look up at the woman who stood beside me whose eyes were filled with unknown emotions. I kept quiet as I decide to leave her off my gaze.

"I got syringe that I injected in you from the villains...so they have counted me as part of them. That day, after I ran off the house, a group of villains has surrounded me. They offer me help to escape from the captures of police and even promise a good amount of money."

"But trust me, at that time, I didn't want to accept it. I was going to the police station to turn myself in because I couldn't get my mind off the incident that I caused. I caused harm, pain, misery to a little girl who I treated her like my own daughter, and...and..." Her hands were shaking violently, coffee was spilling out of the cup until she finally regains her pace in breath. She continues on speaking. "And it was the time one of them pointed me with a gun. They forced me to join the organization because of the degree I got and the quirk I acquire. Enough of the back story lets get on the main point." Her tone became tough as if nothing will be able to stop her from saying what she wanted from now on.

"Because of the quirk I injected to you, they have the ability to check on you anytime they want. Your heartbeat, your location, your mood, your body temperature...and all sorts of stuff." I almost dropped the white mug within my hand.

"They can what?"

Hanako had her eyes back on me while her now black hair slid down her shoulder. "They can check on you every moment, including now." My mouth was open but I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, I let it stay that way for a few moments.

"With their ability to do so, they soon created another you."

"So there's another me? Wait, what?"

"Do you know how the 'Norm' works?"


"They take a normal human and did experiments on it until it turns out into the way they wanted it to be."

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن