★ Valentine Special ★

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Valentine special! Brought to you by the already dating (Y/n) and Todoroki!

I walked out the door and headed straight toward the bathroom to change my cloth. Today was the fourteenth of February, which means that it's Valentine's Day. Shouto and I planned a date for this and I couldn't believe it...

I am late for the date.

I quickly put on a white colored dress then look in the mirror. To be honest, I should have planned what I'll be wearing today yesterday. I don't look anywhere near 'okay', so I started to panic. I walked around the closet, back and forth due to frustration.

Suddenly, my eyes caught another dress, it's in my favorite color, (f/c), with cute designs. That's it. I quickly took off the white dress and changed into that as I headed off to the place where we were supposed to meet.

I have a reason for oversleeping, it was because I was making chocolate for him yesterday till around three am, just to figure out does he likes dark chocolate, white chocolate, or milk chocolate more. It was just tiring to flashback, all those times I've cut myself and almost burned my hand...I need to work harder on my cooking skills. I know I could have just asked him but, it'll ruin the surprise.

I held the pink paper bag in my hands tightly as I jumped down the bus, today's going to be a great day.

I arrived in front of the restaurant as I saw a handsome male standing in the spot that Shouto should be. I took a few steps forward to check his face but, it was blocked by a blonde girl, jumping up and down in excitement. I think it's just some fangirls I guess.

I took out my phone and texted him, the reply came within seconds. I've texted him that I've arrived while he did the same, but I don't see him anywhere. I have a thought that popped into my mind but I denied it. It couldn't be.


I moved my head leftward so I can see the male's face again and shock hit me, though some parts of my brain already saw it coming.

That handsome dude is Shouto.

I slowly backed away, seeing the scene of the same blonde girl stepping closer and closer to him every second, I started running toward the opposite direction. At the exact moment I've turned, those turquoise and grey eyes have met mine.

But I didn't care, I ran straight toward the nearest place with no people around. Gladly, I was able to find myself heading toward a familiar park. I sat down on the bench, numbed to all the emotional fights that were trying to figure out should the anger or sadness be the one occupying my heart. Glancing up a little, I saw couples walking with their hands intertwined, they're smiling happily while chatting with joy. I turned my head back down.

Since it was just too painful to see.

I hold my hand real tight, trying to calm myself but it only causes me to figure the bag that I was still holding. It was chocolates. I didn't know what to do with this, I couldn't bring it home, I couldn't possibly go back and search for him...he might already leave.

And now I'm alone in this place of happiness dealing with my own depression.

I let out a heavy sigh, knowing nothing will probably return back to normal. I love him, I truly do. I will sacrifice everything, even my life for him if it takes to have that carefree smile on his face.

But then look where I'm now.

Alone on the only day, I shouldn't be.

I slowly got up and walked toward the bin, there's no use for the chocolate anyway. Looking at the bag one last time, I hold my hand up so I could depose this hurtful scene that's repeating again and again.

Along with the sound, the bag sank to the end.

So as my heart.

But something wasn't being thrown away.

This painful memory.

I held my hands up again, but this time around my ears. I blocked my hearing sense so that I can escape from this all. I know I will eventually forget this, I will eventually get over these. I could just imagine Mena going with all her words trying to make me smile again.

But I don't want it to happen.

Even if this shattered glass hurt, I will still be willing to hold it tightly. Even if it made my hands bleed, even if it made me cry, even if it will send me to the deepest ocean blues, I will still hold it tight. Because I don't want to let go.

I don't want to forget every single moment that I am creating with him up until now. Those laughter, kisses, hugs...they're all real.

I don't want to stand up from the pain. If it's the one thing that I can have control over, I will rather sink in this deadly replays and recalls than forgetting all of it.

However, it's funny.

I can't even fucking complete this wish of mine.

It's because that's just how this world works. We'll all at some point stand up from our pain and walk through it.

Though I don't want that.

But how can I possibly go against the world?

WHO SAys that if it's a ValenTINE spEciAl, it can't be an Angst????? HEHE, Gotcha!!!!!

Yeah, that's literally the end of this special XD, please note that none of these specials will affect the original plot that we're going through.

Nio X Untitled ( 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora