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"How was your first day of school baby?" you asked your five year as she walked in with her princess and the frog covers book bag on her back and her.

She left out a soft sight "I don't like the school bus mommy". She sat her book bag on the couch and walked to the kitchen where you was cutting PB&J into small squares for your daughter.

"and why not?" you asked her picking her up and sitting her on the island. "because mommy its nasty and its too loud". You gave her her plate and she dig in. You set her apple juice on the side of her.

You wanted you're daughter to have normal life with normal friends so you decide to let her ride the bus and go to a public school instead of riding a private limo and getting escorted.

"where's bubu?" she said with her mouth full. "he getting picked up from daddy at soccer practice. She nodded her head and went back to her small little world.

You went back to cooking for dinner tonight, you was making your husbands favorite, Chicken Alfredo. "I have homework mommy"

"already its literally the first day of school but what is it love bug?"

"I have to count and write my umbers one to fifty 2 times and I have a drawing activity" she smile.


"yes love?"

"why doe my tummy hurt when I a boy" she asked curious.

You immediately paused what you're doing and turned around. You was stunned already having a crush on a boy. You did not see what coming.

" today at school a boy sat by me and my tummy hurt'

"that mean you have butterflies" you said walking up to her and poking her full belly. She giggled and her eye bulge out " I have butterflies in my tummy mommy" she squealed and lift up her dress revealing her light round stomach.

You laughed "did you ask him to be your friend?'


"did u ask him your name"

"no" she frowned

"well tomorrow ask him his name and get to know him better so you guys can be friends"

"thank you mommy you're the best" she went to kiss your cheeks and you happily accept it.

"alright time for homework and when you're done take your bath dinner should be ready by then". you put her down and she grabbed her book bag and ran upstairs to her room.

The door to the front door open running in your ten year old son and your husband.

"sup mom" he said kicking the dirty soccer ball in the house.

"don't sup me put the ball outside you're dirtying the house" you huffed.

"missed me" Jason smiled he came up to you and kissed you light on the lips

"where's my baby" he asked grabbing a yellow apple from the counter.

"upstairs doing homework"


"yup and I'm making your favorite dish baby"

"what is it"

"Chicken Alfredo" you smiled drying your hands on the blue rag.

He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheeks.

"Did I tell how much you look sexy" he then quizzed your plum ass. "Damn" he whispered in your ears.

"Baby get off me I'm cooking and the kid sat where later ok"

Knowing damn well you wasn't finna give him none because a new episode of (your favorite show) was coming on at 8.


"Do you wan 2 B frwen" you're daughter struggled to write her questions on her  glitter notecard. She was sitting on her bed contemplating on weather to give it to him or not.

"Baby daddy's home" she quickly sprang from her bed and ran to the door before Jason can open it she ran and gave him a tight hug. "DADDY!"

"Hey pumpkin" he picked her up and kissed her cubby cheeks. "How are you"

"Good" she blushed.

"How was school"

"Fun, I want to make friends daddy, and look"

She hand the notecard to Jason

"What's this?" He ask looking at the card he then start to read what she wrote.

"What's her name?"

Y/D giggled shaking her head "it's a boy silly"

Jason heart sunk to the bottom "Y/N!"

Y/d covers both her ears.

To be continued

BABY JASON JUSTINWhere stories live. Discover now