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Y/n pov

"MOM!" My sixteen year old daughter yelled from upstairs. I inwardly groan, why can't I have a little bit of peace for the next ten minutes I have left before I go back to work?

That's when my five year old daughter and three year old son come running out of her room slamming the door and running down stairs up to me.

"Mom y/d/n is being mean again" my daughter huffed crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yea she be mean " my three year old son said doing the same.

"She need to be in time out" y/d/n said.

I nodded my head "ok.. let me go check up on her" I said getting up from a uncomfortable position.


She was on her bed hunched over grabbing her stomach. She's probably on her period.

"Baby you wants some Advil" I ask approaching her. I feel her pain. I sat on her fluffy  bed and rubbed her back. This bed is freaking soft.

"N-n-no I'm I'm fi-oweeee" she yelled in pain. "Yup I'm giving you them pills " I snap

"No mama you don't need to .. I don't want to mess with it .. I want to endure the pain naturally instead of messing with it"Is she crazy of high?

"you getting them damn pills I'm not letting my baby go through this pain"

She shook her head no "then what can I get for you?"

"I-I need some more pads I used the last one just now".

"I'm sorry baby but I won't have time I will be late for work so I'm going to go tell your dad to buy it for you"

Y/d/n scrunched her noes" wouldn't that be weird"

"No I have my dad do it all the time, at first it's weird but you will get used to it when I'm not here to help"

"But why can't you do it... you've been doing it since I first started mom" she pout.

"Would you rather be sitting in your own pile of blood?"

She shook her head no rapidly "that's what I thought".

"Uhhh why she got to go eat that apple?"

I chuckled,I got up and kiss her on the cheeks "feel better i got to go I love you"

" I will and I love you too"


Justin pov

"what the hell"

My wife thinks I'm a girl that goes through it every month and wants me to go buy some. No. clearly I'm a grown a** man with a d*** that gets you pregnant.

"Please baby she needs it" she was now straddling me. "No why can't you do it?" I groan.

"Because I have to go to work in about.." she checked the time on my phone "now" she got off and kissed my lips. I pulled her back and we had a one minute make out.

Her red lip stick was smeared on my lips. "Bye baby and don't forget to buy the them"


I arrived at the store with glasses,y/n wig and a mustache I found in my sons room for some reason on. For two reasons why I look like this is because I'm Justin Bieber and I don't not want to get caught buying pads for my daughter. Nahhh my friends will laugh in my face.

I stared at the pads looking fucking lost

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I stared at the pads looking fucking lost. Which one am I suppose to buy? If it was condoms, lingerie, or food then it will be so easy but this nahhhh I have to calculate and use my brain.

I randomly grabbed one and head to the cereal aisle.  Grabbed a random cereal and went up front.

"HEY..aren't you Justin Bieber?"the cashier asked all bubbly.

"Nooo" "I'm ....Jason ... McCann" I bit my lip hoping she believe me, and she did.

She gave me my total and I paid making her keep the change.

Once I was in the car I took out the cereal and kept the box. I put the pad in the box. I felt like I touched blood.


"Hey dad did you buy my-"HERE JUST TAKE IT!" I panicked and threw the box at her face an quickly shut the door running downstairs to wash my hands.

My Phone started vibrating , I dried my hands and answer it. Not forgetting to take a five second look at my lock screen picture. She look sexy that and I was the best day of my life.

"never put me up for that task" She giggled "it's not that bad" "For you to say" "what size did you buy?"

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"never put me up for that task"
She giggled "it's not that bad"
"For you to say" "what size did you buy?" . "What do you mean what size"


Uh oh.

Comment and vote bye my babies 💋.

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