All is not as it Seems

Start from the beginning

A glance in the mirror revealed that Truk was having the same problem behind him, the heavy transport weaving back and forth as he struggled to adjust to the entirely novel way of seeing the world fast enough to avoid plowing the truck into a ditch. Or into the back of the lead truck, for that matter. Thankfully the road that led up from the airport had been relatively hemmed in by rocky banks on either side or they would've weaved all the way to the turnoff as well.

Between the new way of seeing things in daylight and compensating for Truk's unfamiliarity with the route, it took the team the better part of an hour to make their way up the meandering road into the hills. An hour that Lash spent planning a way to uncover their mole without compromising the team.

With time no longer on their side, the big vampire knew he was running the risk of letting the mole communicate with the Hand agents undoubtedly ensconced on Magnar's estate the longer he waited to take the mole out. Which meant yet another ambush. Although he suspected they already knew they were coming, just not when. And he wasn't about to let the mole pass that bit of vital information on if he could prevent it.

So, when the team was about fifteen minutes from the castle and he spotted a pullout to the left, he knew this was the opportunity he was looking for. Now was the time to deal with the mole.

A light tap against Narcist's leg and a gesture towards the approaching pullout was enough to put her on the same page. Then his arm went out the window to signal a trailing Truk that he intended on pulling over into the space on the side. A flash of Truk's lights confirmed that he understood and, keeping a careful eye out for traffic either on approach or behind, he guided the big transport truck into the pullout which was just big enough to handle both vehicles if pulled in tight to each other.

"Mark the nestari that's giving off the signal with something," he instructed Narcist as he put the engine into park then turned it off.

"I have a targeting laser, blue in color," she said, already reaching into her kit bag for it. "I'll paint them in the chest as soon as I have the mole for you."

Lash nodded as he climbed out of the cab then closed the door behind him. As he turned towards the trailed transport, he reached down and flipped the safety off the sidearm he had holstered on his hip. He needed to drop the mole as soon as it was painted or again they ran the risk the traitor would get a signal off and alert the Hand as to their whereabouts.

Truk nodded in greeting as he too climbed out just as Lash drew even with his door.

"Go the rest of the way on foot?" he asked as Lash continued around towards the back of the transport.

"I'm thinking so," Lash said over his shoulder before reaching up to give the side of the transport a smack. "Everybody out!"

"Makes sense," Truk said with an understanding nod. "Wouldn't want them to hear us coming up the road!"

Lash shook his head 'no' in agreement as the half of the team that had ridden with Truk began climbing out, with those that had been shot in the hanger pretty much recovered from their injuries as most were rendered superficial by their enhanced armor. Seeing them coming out and dropping to the ground in order, he took up a position just off the corner so it would appear that he was watching the road while keeping an eye on the disembarking team.

So he was ready when a male vampire with the bright eyes and pale skin of northern Europe and wearing a tattoo of a ready to strike scorpion on his left cheek hopped down and immediately developed a bright blue targeting dot on the center of his chest. He drew his sidearm and fired all in one smooth motion, putting a bullet first in the traitor's neck, then another in his leg before anybody could react.

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