Chapter 37

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Hi everyone, important Author’s Note at the bottom :)


“You can’t cheat,” I told Derek strictly. He simply nodded.

“I’m serious, you can’t use your werewolf abilities, it has to be a fair race,” I told him sternly, looking at him dead in the eye. He gave me an amused smile.

“Like I would have to cheat to win,” he said confidently while crossing his arms and looking at me in a slightly condescending way. Well more his eyes mocked me as if it was cute how I was trying to compete with him but didn’t stand a chance. The way an adult looks at a child trying to act too big for their boots.

Well that freaking did it. That really got my competitive spirit flaring. You’ll see Derek, I’ll leave you in the damn dust. 

“We’ll see,” I whispered under my breath.

“Yeah, we will,” he said hearing me no matter how quiet I was. Even though I knew about his super hearing, it didn’t make it any easier or less annoying how he always knew what I was saying.

“Okay, we race from here to the big tree stump, ok?” I told him and he nodded. He came to stand next to me to get ready to race. 

“I’ll count to three,” I said bracing myself for the run of my life. I didn’t want to win, I needed to win. I needed to put him in his place for once.

We both stared ahead at the open forest. This was not going to be flat running. It included dodging branches and ditches, jumping over logs and managing to navigate ourselves through a forest where every direction can look the same as the other. This is where I was hoping I’d have the edge, from a hunter background this is the basics from training. As a werewolf I’m sure he would beat me but without his abilities...well I was pretty confident I was better.


I took a deep breath.


 I could see Derek stretching his neck.

“3!” I said taking off as fast as I could. I ran like my life depended on it and I could feel it with my blood in my body pumping faster, my breathing heavier but it was what I loved. Feeling the wind through my hair and just pushing myself as fast as I possibly could go. A clear trait I most definitely was a born hunter. 

I was effortlessly dashing through the forest. Jumping over fallen tree branches, ducking to avoid other tree limbs that were flung out along the way. I gave a quick glance to my left and smiled with glee. Derek was only a split second behind but he was behind. Immediately I looked ahead with a grin and managed to find a bit of extra speed. I could see the large tree stump approaching. I smiled victoriously.

I was going to win. I was going to-


Within a split second I was on the ground. With the speed I was running, whatever hit me made sure we both went flying to the side. This was confirmed by the bruise I could feel that was beginning to form. Taking in the scene around me, I felt my irritation go through the roof. Derek was the one who had knocked me and now he was on top of me.

“Why did you do that!” I hissed at him, “You cheated! You knew I was going to win!”

I knew Derek had pride but he didn’t have to take me out to win. I mean seriously, just how desperate was he that he refused to lose?

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