Chapter 31

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Hey guys! For those of you that don't know, I am moving countries and that's why I have not been able to update as often. Hopefully once I settle in I can get into a proper schedule :p

Also some awesome people (awesome12311, -Void_Stiles-, tanders65)mention a user have nominated me for the best crossover! Thank you all so so much! And if any of you feel you want to vote, you can do so at the Teen Wolf awards :) Would mean the world to me :D

Also I think I kinda might be liking Stiles and Bonnie together... What do you guys think? Although you know me, I never set any relationships in stone :p

"Going somewhere?" Damon sneered to Aiden as he put his hand on his shoulder from behind. Aiden turned around to look at him and then smirked.

"Why does it matter to you?" Aiden asked. It was clear that no matter who Aiden interacted with he always wanted the upper hand.

"Well I can't help but notice you eavesdrop on people's conversations," Damon told him tilting his head to the side

"And you don't?" Aiden challenged. Putting his hands on his hips.

"You seem mighty obsessed with her," Damon said his eyes following Aria walking to her car and then flicking back to Aiden, "You in love with her or something?" Damon asked mockingly.

Aiden just gave a mischievous smile.

"I just have a job to do," he said with an evil glint in his eye.

"Yeah, I'm not sure I can allow you to do such job," Damon said rubbing his hands together.

"Look," Aiden said coming to stand so close to him Damon could feel his breath, "Let's not play games-,"

"Aww, but I like games," Damon teased fake frowning.

"We both know one bite from me and you're dead," he said deviously in a low whisper.

"One fight with me and you're dead," Damon threatened back without blinking.

"Just stay out of my way," Aiden said walking off. Damon hated that he was thinking it but he knew he had to keep an eye on everything, for the sake of his brother.



"Mom? Dad?" I shouted as I entered the house. I was quite sure they weren't around which meant it was the perfect time to search in the basement for information. Scott had to work at the vet but he told us to keep him posted.

"Okay we're clear," I said to Stiles as we walked past the hallway and into the kitchen.

"Here," I said throwing him the keys to basement, "Go open the door while I get us some snacks."

"Food sounds good," he said as he caught the keys and walked towards the door to the basement. I found some cans and chips and then heard Stiles shout.

"Um, Aria, I think you need to come see this," he screamed and I knew there was something strange going on. I could hear it in his voice.

I headed to the basement door and saw Stiles dumbfounded expression. He merely gestured towards the door and my expression mirrored his. I was shocked at what I saw. Stiles had opened the door but behind it was another door. Not just any door, but one that looked like it was centuries old.

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