Chapter 17

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I AM BACK. I Hope you all had a great Christmas and Happy New Year! :)

Here's too the year of 2016 which will be the year I update frequently!

Sorry for the wait my lovely readers, I should be back on track from now on!



All of a sudden I felt incredibly vulnerable, I had nothing to defend myself with.

"Aria this is getting serious," I heard the Sheriff say but it sounded distant.

"Aria?" he said from the front seat.

"Yeah, I know," I said snapping out of my thoughts. He had no idea.

"You okay?" Matt asked me from the side.

"Yeah, fine," I said.

"Look I'll make sure you get out of this," I said to him.

"How?" he asked not fully believing me.

"I'll find a way, I promise," I said. He was innocent and didn't deserve to be blamed.

We arrived at the police station. We got out and walked into the station. We followed the sheriff to the chairs outside his office.

"Wait here," he said as we both nodded.

"Parrish!" he said, "In my office."

"Sure sheriff," Parrish said rushing into his office.

I knew the sheriff was worried, I could see it in his eyes. He wasn't too sure what was going on either. While we were waiting I could see Matt was freaking out. After a few minutes Parrish walked out of the office.

"Hi, I'm deputy Parrish," he said to both of us, "I need to ask you both a few questions separately. "

We both nodded.

"Mister Honeycutt, if you could please follow me," he said as Matt stood up and followed him.

Immediately I took out my phone and tried calling Stiles and Scott.

"Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!" I said frantically.

"Relax, we're right here," Stiles said smugly from the entrance.

"Wow, I'm shocked you even left Lydia," I said still annoyed with the two of them.

"Aria your bag-," Scott said.

"Yeah it had my knives in them," I said and they looked at me horrified.

"I can't believe I was so stupid!" I said while hitting my forehand hard with my hand. "I just heard the scream and rushed," I said wanting to punch myself. I was never this irresponsible but I heard the scream and I forgot about it.

"Okay we need to find that bag asap," Stiles said.

"Yeah but how?" I said almost knowing we were kind of screwed. It's possible Miss Morrell took my bag and would return it to me but I know that's just wishful thinking. What if Aiden got a hold of it? He would probably take joy stabbing me the way I stabbed his brother.

Stay calm Aria. You need to think logically.

"Stiles!" The sheriff shouted at him.

"Dad?" Stiles said a bit confused as to why he was being scolded.

"In here," the sheriff said.

"But Dad-," Stiles said.

"Now," he said strictly.

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