Chapter 26

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Hey guys! So so sorry for the LATE update! We had a family reunion yesterday and that's all I have known for the past few weeks! Hope you enjoy!

P.S. Corbrastyle - Teddybears is a great track to play during the chap!

Also any suggestions for cheerleading tracks, let me know!


"Nervous?" Scott asked Stiles as they walked to lacrosse tryouts. Scott wasn't feeling too good about his chances.

"Me? No, no of course not. How could I possibly be nervous when I know that we are literally the worst players in the school?" Stiles shrugged his nerves clearly showing.

Scott raised his eyebrows at Stiles.

"I'm still holding out that someone gets hit by a car," Stiles said seriously.

"Wow, you just ask for humiliation don't you McCall?" Jackson mocked him coming up from behind.

"Seriously I don't think I've ever seen someone suck that much," he said referring to last year as he laughed and shook his head.

"At least we're not sucking other things," Stiles said under his breath as Scott chuckled.

"What you laughing at?" Jackson said angrily.

"You," Tyler said obviously, catching up with them, "What a stupid question."

"I think we both know who's making captain this year," Jackson said arrogantly.

"I'm glad we're both on the same page," Tyler said, "It's about time you learnt your place on this team," he said smirking and then jogging towards the coach.

Jackson huffed and walked towards the coach.

"This is going to be fun," Stiles said sarcastically.

"Yeah it is," Aiden said walking next to them.

"Whaaat are you doing here?" Stiles asked his eyes going wide.

"Trying out," Ethan answered on the other side of them.

Scott and Stiles looked at each other worriedly.

"Don't be scared, it's going to be fun," Ethan said to them.

"Just like you said," Aiden whispered to Stiles and they both smirked and started jogging ahead of them.

"Scott this is bad news," Stiles said anxiously.

"I know," Scott said feeling the panic begin to build up.

"Good luck," Stefan said running past them with a friendly smile.

"Wait, he's trying out? That's so unfair!" Stiles said annoyed.

"Stiles, that's not the issue," Scott said feeling his nerves go into overdrive.

"Yeah now all we need is Derek to show up and then we really have a party," Stiles said sarcastically.

"Um, Stiles," Scott said hesitantly, "Derek is here."

"Where?" Stiles asked.

"Talking to Aria," Scott said angrily.

"Wait, what?" Stiles said watching them.

"She really is trying out?" Stiles said his eyes surprised, "I would say that is the biggest shock but not sure it beats vampire and werewolf vying for lacrosse captain," Stiles said as if were an everyday occurrence.

"What are we going to do?" Scott asked Stiles hoping he would take this seriously.

"Okay look, they're not stupid, they won't do anything here," Stiles said making conclusions.

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