Chapter 33

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To everyone that celebrated Christmas I hope you had a Merry Christmas! :)

I'm sorry this is a bit late! My plan is to try and update all 3 stories every weekend but I run behind sometimes so bear with me!


I got of my car and headed towards the entrance of the Mystic Grill. My father would have killed me if he knew I left the house but at this stage he was not the only one that could. Right now I needed answers and that overruled playing it safe. As I walked I could not shake this feeling that someone was watching me. I was pretty convinced it was Aiden and was smart enough to bring my father’s Gilbert device so that our conversation could not be overheard.

As I walked in I noticed Sheriff Forbes handing over two large bottles to Matt. I saw him nod his head seriously at her and take the bottles over the counter.

“Aria!” I heard Allison shout from the left side of me. I turned and smiled as I walked towards her.

“Thanks for meeting me so soon,” she said gratefully as I sat down.

“No problem,” I said to her.

“There is something going on,” she said seriously immediately starting the conversation.

“Hold on,” I said grabbing the device out of my bag and turning it on.

“What’s that? I’ve seen my father with something similar,” she said.

“It’s called the Gilbert device,” I told her.

“As in Elena Gilbert?” she asked intrigued.

“Well it was created by the Gilbert family. It makes sure certain things can’t hear us,” I told her and she nodded fascinated by the device.

“I heard my father speak of vampires and werewolves a while ago. I thought it was a joke but the way he’s been pushing me in training these past weeks, I’m sure it isn’t,” she said looking at me for confirmation.

“It’s not but there's not many people who would believe us,” I told her and she nodded.

“What can I get you guys?” Matt came to ask us.

“Um, I’ll have a coffee,” Allison said.

“Me too,” I said, “Thanks,” I said with a smile.

After the police incident, Matt had seemed to be a bit nicer to me. I’m convinced he still has no clue what happened that day and it is something we need to figure out. When I was sure he couldn’t hear us I carried on speaking.

“What do you know so far?” I asked her and she looked at me hesitantly.

“I’m not sure you want to know,” she said seriously looking at me with slight sadness in her eyes.

“If it’s about the sacrifice, I already know,” I said before I could stop myself.

Her eyes went wide as if I had read her mind.

“I-,” she said not knowing what to say, “You don’t look like someone who knows they’re a sacrifice.”

“I’m trying my best to focus on finding a solution,” I told her not knowing how I have not lost my mind quite yet either, “The problem is, I’m not the only sacrifice.”

I saw fear flash in her eyes.

“What?” she asked not believing what she heard. I looked at her worried eyes and did not want to tell her what I knew but she deserved to know. Just like I did, even though it sucked, she deserved to know her fate. I took a deep breath.

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