Chapter 18

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PLEASE READ: Hello everyone, I hope you all are well :) To thank you all for reading, I was thinking of following some of you. I was also wondering if you could give me some good cross overs to read :) So please leave a comment with a good story to check out and what pairing you would like to see in this story :) I can't guarantee that they will end up together, but i love seeing your guys idea :)

Also I know I tend to do either Aria's POV or a general one but let me know if there is anyone in particular whose POV you would like to see :)

Thanks! :D

P.S. Im sure many if you have noticed but unfortunately Andi hasn't been able to write much and that's why Olivias POV has been neglected. If you would like me to focus on her POV's let me know :)

It was a nightmare that I couldn't escape. The bodies, the red eyes, the running, the adrenaline, the pain, the blood. Finally it was over and I could heard voices waking me up. Slowly it became clear what they were saying and I kept my eyes closed to hear.

"Well at least I'm not lying to her," one voice said irritated.

"What do you mean?" said another just as annoyed.

"You just happen to be interested in her this year?" said the first voice, "I don't pretend to like someone or lie. At least I'm upfront."

"Oh definitely," the second voice said sarcastically, "I mean you've told her what you are have you?"

What in the world? Was I dead?

I opened my eyes registering the two voices but not believing it. I stared at an aged dull dingy ceiling. I had no idea where I was but it was in someplace old that had a slightly stale smell.

Definitely not my room.

I sat up quickly and regretted it instantly. I winced as excruciating pain shot through my back.

"Okay so I'm not dead and that wasn't a dream" I realised in immense pain.

"You're up," Derek said amused.

"Yeah but I think her stitches ripped a bit," Stefan said turning away. Derek smirked.

"Can't control yourself?" he mocked.

"I'm fine," Stefan said walking towards me.

What the hell was going on? Since when was Derek and Stefan best buddies?

Just then everything came flooding back.

"How long have I been out?" I asked worriedly.

"Actually less that I thought considering you're human," Derek said skeptically.

"You're actually right," Stefan agreed with him.

What the hell had happened?!

My eyes widened recollection my memories.

"Where's Stiles!? Scott?! " I asked with fear of what they might tell me. I needed my phone.

"You should be worrying about yourself," Derek said in a condescending way.

"Oh really?" I asked annoyed but I knew he was right in way.

"They're all fine," Stefan said.

They were both acting calm. Too calm.

"What the hell happened?!" I asked the two of them angrily and they both gave each other a look.


The Coveted Hunter - Teen Wolf Vampire Diaries Crossover Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang