Chapter 34

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Hi everyone! I know, it's been months and I wouldn't be surprised if you all moved on. The hiatus I took was definitely not planned. Unfortunately I had some health stuff to deal with. I had serious migraines and was reacting to light so writing wasn't really as easy :p

So I apologise, I really do! I am so sorry and hope you all will still support me :) hope you are all well!

Also Ramadan Kareem to all my fellow Muslim readers!

I hope to be updating this normally from now on and will even try to update tomorrow and the next day :) And with BTS's comeback (if any of you are Army's) I have been inspired to carry on with me other story :p

Anyway, hope you Enjoy!

The smell of old rust filled my lungs and immediately shook me into consciousness. I could taste slight metal at the back of my throat. I opened my eyes to find myself tied to a chair with a gag on my mouth. This was not good.

But it didn't make any sense either. It was too early for the sacrifice. I forced myself to focus on the task at hand which was escaping wherever the hell I was.

I was about to start pulling on my restraints when I heard a whine to the right of me. It seemed I was not alone and sounded like a female. It sounded familiar, the more and more I heard it….


She was stuck here with me too. I tried my best to make a sound to let her know she was not alone. By the silence of her whining I figured she knew I was here. I could hear her beginning to fidget with the restrains as well.

It was then that I had recalled yet another memory.

“But Dad I don't want too! I rather go to the movies with Scott and Stiles,” I whined hoping he would give in.

“I told you if you work hard, you'll make the movies,” he said honestly. We were walking through the forest and I had no idea why. We entered an abandoned house and by the smell of old dry wood, it has been unoccupied for quite some time.

“What are we doing here?” I asked him confused.

“We’re here to teach you something. Take a seat,” he said referring to the chair in the middle of the room. I hesitated for a moment but then slowly sat down.

“What are you planning to teach me?” I asked.

“I'm here to teach you to focus,” he said seriously, “In any situation-,”

“It's important to be vigilant,” I said mocking him but being careful to not let my tone be too rude. He raised his eyebrow slightly.

“It is, just remember, you're of Lovac blood so you have extra strength,” I nodded mindlessly just wanting this lecture to be over but before I knew it I was being tied to the chair and there were people dragging my father out.

I was about to start screaming for my father when a gag was placed on my mouth. Instinctively I still began to scream as loud as I could even though it was useless. Just my muffled whines coming through. They took my father, what were they going to do? What did they want with me? I watched as they slammed the door shut hearing the screams of my father through the door.

I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. What could I do? I was helpless. I was tied to a chair with nothing to help me but myself.

And then I remembered what he said. He was right, now was not the time to be emotional. I needed to concentrate. If there was any chance of us surviving I needed to get out of this chair. I blinked back the tears and focused on loosening my hands. I kept trying to free myself getting more and more anxious each time. I was getting worse each time and I was beginning to panic.

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