Chapter 2

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I sat there praying Tyler wouldn’t notice me.

“Oh look who happens to be next to me?” he said as I rolled my eyes. I turned to look at him but saw him looking at the desk next to him. It was Caroline Forbes. She simply ignored him or more likely didn’t even notice him talking to her.

“Aria!” I heard Stiles shouting across the room. People looked at him wondering why he was shouting like a crazy person. I could see he was aiming to sit in the seat in front of me but before he could sit down someone else took it. It wasn’t just anyone else, it was Stefan Salvatore. I gave Stiles a smirk but he passed me and sat a few seats back.

“I will get an answer,” I heard him say to me as he passed.

“No you won’t,” I whispered smugly.

“What?” Stefan turned around and asked me.

“Um,” I said unaware of why he was speaking to me. I barely spoke, it was impossible that he could have heard that.

“Did you not say anything?” he asked me. I simply shook my head and gave him a small smile. He just nodded and faced the front. That was until Elena Gilbert walked through the door with Bonnie. Immediately I noticed how Stefan took note of her and as luck would have it she sat right next to him.


“Quiet down class,” Mr Tanner said as everyone started to settle. Across the room I noticed Allison sitting behind Scott. I noticed her fumble for a bit but then saw Scott offer her a pen. She gave him a smile. Well hopefully he’ll finally be able to talk to her this year.

I saw Stiles give him a thumbs up.

“Ok let’s begin,” the teacher said and immediately I zoned out for a while. I looked out the window wondering what this school year had in store for us. Probably nothing out of the ordinary, well except that Stiles had just told me about the dead body they found in the woods. On top of that my father did seem tenser these days, making me train even harder. I didn’t even know what I was training for, he refused to tell me. All I knew is that it is what our family does and that he said “I should be ready for anything dangerous.”

I sighed and looked in front of me to notice Stefan and Elena staring at each other. I knew Elena had been through a lot but I couldn’t help but feel my stomach drop at the way Stefan looked at her.

All of a sudden I felt something hit my head. Immediately I whipped my head to Tyler expecting him to have thrown it but he was just slouching in his chair. Anything vaguely academic must really exhaust his brain. I felt something hit my head again and turned around to see Stiles throwing things at me.

“What?!” I whispered loudly. He was going to get me in trouble again, I just knew it.

He whispered back but I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

“What?” I asked again a bit louder this time.

“Shut up,” Tyler said to annoy me.

“You shut up,” I told him.

“Is there something going on Miss Lovac?” Mr Tanner asked me with narrow eyes as I turned my head to face him.

“No, Mr Tanner,” I said trying my best to hide my irritation

“Please leave your socialising to after class,” he said. Ugh, like I would ever socialise with Tyler Lockwood.

Once again I felt Stiles throwing stuff at me.

“Stop!” I whispered loudly.

“I think he’s trying to tell you something,” Bonnie whispered to me as if I didn’t know.

The Coveted Hunter - Teen Wolf Vampire Diaries Crossover حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن