Chapter 24

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I'm sorry this is late! I have been busy! Next chap will be tryouts for sure! I thought this added some depth to Aria's story line! Let me know what you think! :)

Apologies for all my spelling and grammar mistakes! I had no idea I had so many! I think some of them come from autocorrect or being very very tired :p Forgive me! I will edit that when I can :)

Olivia POV

"Don't you think Stefan has been acting a bit strange?" I asked Kira.

"Yeah, he does seem a bit different," Kira said.

"I mean he wants to try out for the lacrosse team now?" I asked her confused. We always thought he was good and we kept telling him to try out but he always said no. I don't think it was that he didn't think he would have made the team, it was more he would rather be out of the spotlight. Stay on the outskirts with us. I wondered if it wasn't for us if he would have tried out earlier.

"It is strange, something must have changed his mind," Kira said.

Of course.

"It must be either Elena or Allison," I told her.

"You think?" Kira asked honestly but she was contemplated it.

"They weren't on the team last year but they're trying out this year," I said.

"Yeah but he doesn't know if they're going to make the squad," Kira said as I lifted my eyebrow at her.

"They're not like us, they don't suck at co ordination," I told her.

"You're right, who am I kidding, of course they will make the squad," Kira said slightly envious of them. Even if we wanted to, we could never try out for the team, we'd just make fools of ourselves. Something we would rather keep hidden.

"Who will make the squad?" Stefan said coming to chat to us.

"Look who decided to appear," I said to him," Where have you been these days."

"I've been here," Stefan said.

"No you haven't, we've barely seen you," Kira told him.

"Have you been practising?" I asked him but he looked at me confused squinting his eyebrows.

"For lacrosse?" I asked him.

"Oh," he said, "Yeah," he said nodding his head.

"Why have you decided to try out this year?" I asked him curious.

"Yeah, you haven't everytime we told you," Kira said.

"Because I think it's about time certain people are put in their place," Stefan said.

"Really?" I asked him skeptically. He wasn't lying but that wasn't the full truth either.

"So it doesn't have anything to do with Allison or Elena?" Kira asked a bit too loudly.

"Yeah?" Elena asked and we all turned around to looked at her in shock.

"You called my name?" She asked us unsure.

"No, no we didn't," Kira said awkwardly.

"Okay," she said not fully believing us.

"You trying out for the team?" She asked Stefan sweetly.

"Yes Stefan, are you?" I asked him mockingly knowing he'll get annoyed.

"It seems so," Stefan said shyly.

The Coveted Hunter - Teen Wolf Vampire Diaries Crossover Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu