Chapter 35

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Sorry I didn't get this up earlier! Anyway I will try and keep up with one chapter per week :)


Allison and I stared at him not sure if we had heard him correctly.

“Wait you don't find this weird?” I asked him still in disbelief.

“Of course I find it weird,” he replied and once again Allison and I looked at him puzzled. He seemed to pick up on this and explained.

“My uncle, well he was always known to be the strange one in the family. He barely shows up half the time but he always went on about werewolves, vampires, witches and whatever else. We always just thought he was crazy but after what's been happening I'm thinking maybe he wasn't so crazy.”

We both nodded just happy he wasn't freaking out. Now was not the time to explain everything.

“Plus that day at the school, I was so sure whatever attacked me wasn't human,” he said and I could see his mind wandering to that day in the locker room.

“Whatever the case, I know both of you know more than you're letting on. I want you to tell me what's going on,” he said sternly.

“I don't think right now is the time,” Allison said referring to the current situation we were in.

“Yeah let's get out of here,” I said wanting to focus at the situation at hand.

“Fine,” he said but it was clear he wasn't going to let this go. He wanted an explanation if we managed to escape. He walked towards the door but luckily Allison stopped him from opening it. He gave her an annoyed confused look.

“We were kidnapped, they probably have people guarding the door. We need to find another way out,” I said explaining. He nodded but still gave us skeptical looks as to how we thought like that.

“There,” Allison said pointing to the other side of the room above her. I followed her line of sight and noticed she was pointing at a vent. I nodded at her as we went towards it. As I walked I grabbed the chair from earlier and placed it in front.

“We're not tall enough,” Allison said thinking of a plan.

“Let me try,” Matt said standing on the chair. We saw as he managed to reach it.

“Can you pull out the cover?” I asked him but I noticed him struggling already.

“We need something to use as leverage,” I said as Allison and I scanned the room.

“I found something,” Allison said dashing back to Matt. It seemed she found a metal pole long enough to help break open the vent. We both watched as Matt struggled a bit but eventually he managed to get it open.

“Good going Matt,” I said with a smile, “Think you can hoist us up?” I asked bringing another chair next to his.

“I can try,” he said a bit unsure.

“I can pull myself up, just need a boost,” I said ready to climb into the vent.

He clasped his hands and held them out to me as steady as he could so that I could step on them.

“Go,” he said and I nodded as I stepped onto his hand and hoisted myself into the vent. There was barely much light and I waited for my eyes to adjust to my new surroundings. I could hear faint sounds coming from other rooms. The smell of rust was slightly stronger here and I immediately felt the cobwebs in my hair along with the taste of dust in my throat. I heard the grunt of Allison and figured she was already climbing into the vent. I crawled forward to make space for her.

The Coveted Hunter - Teen Wolf Vampire Diaries Crossover Where stories live. Discover now