Chapter 38- To The Hospital Again

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The world after the battle felt surreal. 

It felt like everything should be different like there should be people either cheering or sobbing in the streets, or doing both in turn. but there wasn't.

Despite the massive shockwaves that had spread through both villain and hero society alike, everything felt... surprisingly normal. People were mourning the retirement of All Might, and for most, the battle had seemed like nothing more than a big cinematic event. Few people truly grasped what had just happened, and even fewer understood the potential ramifications that could come from it.

Those who did understand were afraid.

Unless, of course, they were villains, in which case, they were ecstatic. 

All for One, the biggest bad guy who had ruled the criminal world from the shadows for decades was finally gone, and with him gone, it left open an opportunity that hadn't been seen before, the opportunity for others to rise up and grab power. This was the beginning of a power vacuum, which had the potential to be both deadly and exhilarating.

It was a new era when anyone could rise up and take the mantle that All for One had left behind. Sure, the League of Villains seemed to be the most obvious candidates at the moment, but for the moment, the position was still open.

And that meant that many eyes were peering in, already starting the preparations needed to take the throne.

One set of eyes, in particular, gleamed brightly, his mask hiding the glee he felt. This was better than he could've hoped for. Not only was the criminal underground's boss gone, but he was also dead. Killed by a young girl who had been a well known aspiring hero. 

Yes, things really couldn't be going any better.

Shigaraki, on the other hand, was furious. He could feel his eyes twitching as he scratched at his neck. 

How dare she?

How dare that brat kill his mentor? What right did she have? She didn't even fight him. It made no sense. No sense, no sense, no sense.

He hated her. She cheated. 

She cheated... She cheated, she cheated.

Fujimura Naoko. The girl he once thought could become a great villain.

She would die by his hands.


Naoko hated the police.

No, that wasn't right. She didn't hate all police. She honestly had a better opinion of police than she did of heroes at this point, but that didn't change the fact.

She may not hate the police, but by golly did she hate certain police members. Namely the overbearing one who was standing in front of her, glaring in a most disapproving way with his dog face.

There was another man standing in her hospital room, the curious look he was shooting her completely undercutting the serious attire he wore. His long tan trench coat and gloves showed signs of wear, but he was neat, and Naoko chose to inspect him rather than wasting her time looking at Tsuragamae.

"I've never met you before." She said quickly, probably cutting off one of her current least favorite people.

Oh, she could practically see the steam rising from his floppy ears as she ignored him, which made this all the sweeter as she focused all her attention on the new guy.

The poor man looked between Naoko and the chief of police rather nervously before tilting his head, "I guess not. I tend to be assigned to All Might's cases, so we must've not crossed paths. The name's Naomasa. It's good to meet you, Fujimura."

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