Drunk dive into shit. Chapter coming soon

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Hey guys, I'm drunk.

It's been a hell of a time here, and I just wanted to do some sh9t. I'm not bothering to spell check this unless it's unbearable. But hey, enjoy thoughts from me, featuring Naoko and the crew.

-Hasame's a messy drunk, she's the one to take out to parties and do trivia or whatever it is you do at parties and bars and shit. Fun fact about Klypso over here, I've only been drinking for three years, and by god, it doesn't feel that long... Maybe 2.5 years? Idk... What I do know is that I'm a major fucking lightweight, and the only one in the book who is as lightweight as I am is Naoko. She can't drink worth shit... Though that probably has something to do with the damage she did to her liver when her quirk fucked up her ears. Dabi's also bad. He tends to get real weepy when he's drunk, which isn't bad, but the rest of the crew except Levi can't stand it, and Levi only doesn't mind because he's an asshole who thinks it's funny.

-Shinso is 100% a mind reader, at least, that's what Naoko is convinced about at this point. Like... He showed up at her secret base one too many times, he constantly knows shit he shouldn't, and then, when Naoko finally opens up to him, he shrugs it off as though it's fucking nothing.

I don't know about y'all, but fanfiction is the major reason I like Shinso, he doesn't have that much of a personality in the anime, but fanfics used that blank canvas and created something special.

Another fun fact about me, I project myself onto tamaki amijiki and Shinso because I don't know what the fuck to do in social situations. It makes it hard now that I'm in a new setting, but honestly anything better than when I was Mormon and all the people I knew who loved me expected me to fit into this mold that I obviously didn't fit into but I did it to make everyone else happy.

Seriously, up until this year, the person I considered my best friend was so conservatively Mormon that you literally couldn't talk to her about anything outside of the faith. And if something did fall out there, then oh well, it would be met with some seriously fucking awkward silence! So much fun when you're the second person in your friend group to acknowledge their sexuality but the first person to leave the church. I don't think they know too much and I don't really plan on telling them.

God. I hate people like that. Am I a bad person?

Typically my whole self is a carefully crafted screen to fit into whatever group I'm in and ignore the fact that I'm internally screaming, waiting for life to point me in whatever direction it wants me to go.

Hey, so we can pretend this is story-oriented, in this universe, Todoroki is pan. he doesn't really give a fuck who and what you are, so long as he can connect with you, he will go for it... That also makes him demi, I guess, but it also makes him a bit of a menace. He's so socially inept that when people are trying to give him the cues to 'please leave me the fuck alone' he doesn't, because he doesn't pick up on them.

It's a problem, and everyone will talk to him about it at some point. He ends up with Midoriya, who will end up being so good at reading him that nothing he says matters really, Midoriya sees all the subtext.

If he did end up with Naoko, then it would be a bit of a shit show, they're both so awkward that neither would recognize anything. It would take mag and Dabi forcing the two together time and time again in order to make anything happen, and really it would happen because Chris would get so invested in all this that he basically commands them to kiss and they think, "oh, what the fuck' and basically end up being a couple!

Bakugou is also not my favorite for the love interest.

Do y'all vknow how emotionally constipated that asshole is? he's so entitled, and it takes so long for him to figure out anything or admit this to himself. He's probably going to end up living with naoko long-term and Naoko will have a pretty good idea off what's going on, but Bakugou will consistently ask her when she's going to find her own place or when she's going to go marry that asshole Todoroki. It's something that even she marvels at.

Like... He'll straight up find her vigilante mask while doing landaury one day and be like...That's weirs. I guess she's into weirder stuff than I thought."

Naoko will just assume that he knows about her, and one day, while they're in a chase as hero and vigilante, she says casually that they need rice, could he pick some up on the way home?

And he'll be like... How the fuck do you know Naoko needs rice? Are you StalKIng Us? Like... Naoko from there on makes it a game of how obvious it can be.

Fun thing is, now they're both playing each other because Bakugou DOES KNOW. he's been wanting her to tell him herself, and she just assumes he's stupid and wants him to tell her, so it becomes a game balanced on the thinnest of razer wire. Rei, Hasame, and Inko watch all this with so much happiness, it is their soap opera.

Now, I'm tired, but I'm going to post this before that asshole Sober Jessica can continue being anxious and shit.

Ciao, mother fuckers!

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