The USJ Pt 2

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Tomura signaled to Kurogiri, who formed a portal that opened up right behind the girl; they had no idea how her quirk worked, but it didn't stop her, then their hopes of winning today were gone. Master would want this girl and the news of the number one hero's death, if they played their cards right, both could still be achieved.

Naoko was giving everything she had to protect Aizawa, which meant that she had no idea that a hand was reaching out of the portal towards her. One touch would be all it took to break Naoko's concentration, after that, well... The villains would have a much better chance of winning

The hand was a hairbreadth away from connecting with the girl when, without warning, a wall of ice interrupted the hand. The ice crumbled as it made contact with Tomura's hand, absorbing the deadly quirk that Tomura was ready to use on Naoko. To the side, a boy with red and white hair stood, his eyes flashing dangerously as he took in the situation.

His eyes filled with concerned at the sight of Naoko, covered in an odd dark liquid and oozing blood from every available opening on her face He had no idea what the liquid was, but the amount of blood that was pooling under Naoko was beginning to be worrisome.

The nomu was still regenerating as fast as ever, and Naoko wasn't sure if she could keep this up any longer, her body had basically given up supporting itself, so she lay sprawled out on the concrete, her eyes were going in and out of focus as she tried to keep her quirk extended, though it was easy to tell that she was losing steam when the nomu completely regenerated an arm before she was able to liquefy it once more. Just as she was giving up hope, Aizawa was pulled out of the creature's grip by a fuzzy green haired boy. The smallest of smiles lifted Naoko's lips, she did it, she lasted long enough for help to arrive.

Perhaps it wasn't the professional heroes, but as she was being lifted from the ground by Todoroki, she saw Bakahoe blasting onto the scene, taking on the nomu; they weren't pro's but Naoko had enough experiences with these particular classmates to know that they would be able to handle the situation until All Might or someone got here.

Finally, her quirk snapped back to Naoko, which was enough to send her over the edge, Todoroki may have been shaking her shoulders, but Naoko was already gone.


Police and pro hero's roamed around the complex, arresting the villains and gathering all the information they would need to fill out the paperwork that an attack like this generated. It was a huge undertaking, but it had been made easier by the fact that only a small handful of people died, all of whom had been villains. The students did a good job of protecting themselves, so it would be an understatement to say that the authorities were impressed; especially when the fact that the only injuries sustained on their side were by two students and the teacher who had been fighting the main body of villains.

As this was happening, the students were being herded out to the bus, they had already given their statements, so they were free to go home for now. Perhaps that move was a tad bit overconfident on the higher-ups part, but it made some amount of sense that the villains wouldn't attack again so soon (though there was a case for the other view, so take that with a grain of salt).

Once again, two students were lost in thought throughout this, doing as they were told almost robotically; both Todoroki and Bakugou were thinking about what they had just seen. As two of only three students who had really gotten a good view of the fight that Naoko, Aizawa, and All Might were involved in, it made sense that they had some processing to do. And also once again, the two students were viewing the same situation through completely different lenses.

Bakugou couldn't help but see Naoko as she held off a villain that gave All Might trouble. People could say what they liked about Bakugou, he didn't give a shit, but he was an intelligent kid. He knew that the nomu had some serious power, so for Naoko to hold it off like that meant that her ability level had to be high... Perhaps even higher than his was (Gosh darn it Bakahoe, that's what you got from this! Are you kidding me?!), when that little twerp got back to school, he would have to challenge her to a match and make sure she didn't hold back.

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