Chapter 14- The Third Round

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Thankfully, the next thing up was an hour-long break, which Naoko used to her full advantage; after being cleared by Recovery Girl to continue participating (so long as she didn't overdo it and cause more internal damage), Naoko curled up in a corner with her phone's extra strong vibrate set to wake her up in an hour.  She didn't even wait to see who she would be fighting, as that didn't really factor into her plan.

Before long, it seemed that her hiding space was compromised and a dark-haired male stared down at the teenager, a look of apathy in his eyes, "She stole my spot," He murmured, barely audible past the bandages he was covered in. Unfortunately for the fellow nap enthusiast, Naoko was a deep sleeper, so the likelihood that he would be regaining his spot before the break was over was slim to none.

Aizawa grumbled slightly before walking away to find a new spot to nap, leaving behind the one precious thing that he always had with him.


Consciousness was slow to return to Naoko, it always was when she was actually sleeping deeply (A rarer occurrence than she would like to admit), and it was about ten minutes before she was functional which was all thanks to her vibrating phone laying against her head.

The first thing Naoko became aware of when she finally was capable of coherent thought was the fact that she was a lot heavier than she had been before she fell asleep. As she opened her eyes blearily, an alarming shade of yellow greeting her, and for a moment her brain tried to explore all the things she could have done in her sleep to cause this. Before long, her brain caught up with her situation, leading her to sit up with a look of panic in her eyes.

As she sat up, the yellow sleeping bag that she had seen her teacher in more times than she could count slid down from her shoulders, leaving her more confused than she was to begin with. There was no sign of the teacher, but the sleeping bag had to have been left here by him... Her eyes rounded as she realized kept staring, Aizawa without his sleeping bag was a sure sign of trouble. 

Without hesitation, Naoko jumped to her feet and began running towards the announcer box, she had no clue when the next event was supposed to begin, nor when she would be needed, but that was unimportant at this point.

People were forced to practically jump out of her way as she barrelled along, only slightly looking to make sure she didn't end up killing someone in her rampage. Thankfully, it turned out that her napping nook was close to where the announcer's box was, so the damage was limited to a shocked, deflated All Might who was looking after her with shock and a Principal Nezu, who only avoided being trampled thanks to his small stature and ability to hide under the stairway railing.

Once they saw the telltale flash of yellow that was trailing out of the girl's arms, they nodded in understanding before continuing on their way.

A hurried series of knocks on the door had both men turn in their seats just in time to see Naoko fall through the door right onto her face, cradling the sleeping bag against her chest as though it were a precious child.

Present Mic immediately began asking questions, but those were ignored as Naoko stood up and walked quickly towards Aizawa, "I don't know if you lost this or what, but it was covering me when I woke up."

This shut Present Mic up mid-sentence as his jaw dropped. He had known Aizawa for years, they had been best friends for a majority of that time, and never once had he know his friend to allow his sleeping bag to be used by anyone else... Honestly, it wouldn't surprise him if the world was ending now because of Aizawa's of character decision to let a student of all people use his sleeping bag.

Unfortunately for all of them, the microphones were on (they had been in the middle of announcing the first fight when Naoko fell in) and the whole stadium was treated to Present Mic's voice screaming, "WHAT?! ERASERHEAD, YOU LET SOMEONE USE THAT? ARE YOU FEELING OKAY? DO WE NEED YOU TO GET TO THE DOCTOR?"

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