Important: Things to Know Before We Continue

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Hi guys! I'm BACK!

Well... Mostly. I'm 2000 miles from where I started and I'm looking for a better job, but for now, I'm as back as I can be. It still might not be consistent, but I'm working on the next chapter, I just need a bit of time to finish it.

In the meantime, here's what's happened for Naoko that you need to know. It's... A lot to not have a chapter dedicated to it, but I might get do it if you want. Basically, Naoko & Co. has turned one neighborhood upside down in a good way, and the police are aware of her. If you need more details, I can release another bulleted list like this!


How Naoko won the hearts of both the Yakuza and the Neighborhood

-Naoko honestly gained a lot of brownie points just by kicking out the previous people. They always were playing music that was objectively bad and playing it ludicrously loud. The Yakuza in particular breathed a sigh of relief, as the old people would often play movie clips and songs about the yakuza as loud as they could just to mock the yakuza.

-The old people were easy to kick out too. It took about two seconds where Naoko made the entrance (melting the majority of them into pits), Dabi had his fire up, and Mag stood there glowering, large objects circling around her. The trio was intimidating enough that half of the people started crying, and at least three people fainted.

-The community next door didn't know it, but they quickly discovered a haven in the newest vigilante group. Fliers were passed out that advertised free hero complaint sessions at private locations, an illegal soup kitchen was set up that served the best coffee in town, and the number of robberies was cut almost to zero overnight.

-How was this done? Well, Naoko found and incapacitated the criminals, Dabi scared the shit out of them, then they were trapped in a room with Mag, Hasame, and Rei. No one came out of that still a criminal.

-Of course, because it is a low-income area, people were often stuck where they were because of low income, no income, or because they were squatters who had no address to get a job.

-Many of these things are established slowly over several months, but what does happen immediately is that at least three gangs terrorizing the area disappear overnight in much the same way the first was dismantled. Many of these early victims end up with some PTSD from how hard the main three went.

-A lot of the money used to start all this up came from a settlement Naoko got from the government. It was basically money they threw at her so she wouldn't sue UA after dropping out.

-Hasame almost rejected the money because it was such a pathetic attempt to shut Naoko up, but Naoko stopped her. This was what they needed. No one needed to know where the money was going to go, and since they were squatting in an abandoned warehouse, Naoko had an idea.

-Both Naoko and Hasame still have some sewing skills, so they both offer their services to help people who can't afford clothes. Hasame helps people clean homes and areas to push down insect and rodent infestations, Dabi and mag help clean the streets in their own... interesting ways and Mag runs support groups for marginalized groups.

-Levi and Chris have to be careful here, as they still present as heroes, but both are a huge part of Mags groups, as they can understand some of the struggles brought up.

-The warehouse was bought legally and put in Hasame's name and every day there was an open 'potluck' held there. Authorities couldn't do anything about it since it technically wasn't a soup kitchen, and it was a great way to get info from the many people who recognized what was happening and were more than happy to support Naoko.

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