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Sonar and Chris were some of the hardest teachers that Naoko had ever had. From the moment she got her hero costume on, she was training, allowing them to get a handle on her power levels even as she was thrown into the concrete over and over.

Naoko already knew that she was not... Great at the whole fighting thing, so it was completely expected when she was on the ground more often than not and getting hit with hard blows more often than giving hard blows.

It wasn't until long after the sun left the sky that she was given the permission to stop, which she did happily with a heavy groan, that there was room for anything besides brief signals telling her what insane thing she needed to do next... It really did suck and Naoko could already tell that she was in for quite a lot of soreness in the days to come.

Once they made it back to the dorms, Sonar waited outside and she and Chris walked in to grab her things. It was then that Naoko took the opportunity to voice something that had been on the back burner all day.

"Chris?" She asked hesitantly, speaking for the first time in several hours, not looking at the hero to see his reaction, "I really don't think I should stay at your house."

No matter how kind these two were, she couldn't endanger them like that, blood swirled in her eyes as she stared dejectedly at the floor... She likely would have remained like that for the rest of the night, but a hand landed gently on her shoulder, forcing her to look up.

It seemed as though Chris had been expecting this, as there was a look of understanding in the way he nodded, "This has been on your mind all day, hasn't it?" Naoko nodded, not bothering to deny it, "I kinda thought so, my quirk would be useless if I couldn't tell that much... Let me drag Sonar in here, he should be a part of this."

Naoko couldn't help but tighten her fists as she nodded slowly, feeling a harsh shutter run through her at the idea of telling anyone else about what had happened... But they needed to know the danger she presented when they invited her into their home.

Before too long, Chris came back in with a sullen Sonar, who was looking at the floors with complete and utter disgust, "This is why I never come here. Hurry up and tell us what's been on your mind, brat, I want to spend as little time here as I possibly can."

Even after only an afternoon of being around the surly hero, Naoko knew this was a normal thing for him, so she nodded and twisted her hands together one last time to try and quell the shaking, "Well, I'll make this a brief as possible... It's getting close to four years ago now, our apartment complex collapsed on top of me and I lost my hearing when my quirk backfired." This truly was the barest of versions of her story, "Ever since then I've had night terrors which cause me to lose control of my quirk and ruin the room I'm in... It would be a really bad idea to let me sleep in your home unless you want everything that is being kept in there to be melted."

Both men said nothing for several seconds as they stared at her, which caused Naoko's heart rate to pick up while they seemed to silently deliberate.

It was Chris who finally said something, "It's unusual for night terrors to persist like that, surely they've calmed down a bit by now?"

Once again, Naoko's hands tightened into balls, "Well, they did, but a few months ago our class was attacked by villains and one of them had a warp quirk... I'm claustrophobic, you see, and his quirk caused me to have a panic attack... I lost control. Ever since then, they've been back with a vengeance." Her signing was as small as she could possibly make it as she ducked her head and looked away from both men. She just barely met them, she didn't want to be telling them her deepest secrets!

What Naoko didn't see was the fact that Chris about jumped over to the poor girl and pulled her into a hug. The only reason he didn't get to do this, was because of Sonar, who grabbed the enthusiastic man's collar and nearly choked him in the process. 

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