Life Shots- Cooking and the PTSD Club

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Cooking, The Extreme Sport

As well as she had been doing, the adults were all more than a little worried about Eri. The poor girl had been through more than she was comfortable talking about at any given time, and even still, trauma recognizes trauma.

No one in the house had escaped it, and even fewer people were good at expressing their feelings, which meant those who were emotionally mature (Rei... Basically just Rei. On a good day, Chris could be on the list, but he had too many meltdowns about his hair) were constantly frustrated.

She had tried so many times to get everyone here to open up, which was harder than pulling a kids teeth and twice as deadly.

Rei wasn't a therapist! She wasn't trained to deal with the absolute bullshit that all of her people were repressing like it was a god damn Olympic sport! She was a mom with her own load of baggage that she'd been dealing with for years thanks to the forced therapy the hospital put her through.

Honestly, it was thanks to that that Rei was acutely aware of how repressed this household was. Hasame would just go quiet every now and then, staring at a wall while her knuckles turned white. Naoko disappeared for hours at a time, coming back covered in scrapes and blood while sporting a terrifying grin on her face. Eri would randomly burst into tears while trying to hide in any nearby hidey-hole...

Normally that would be fine, but this child excelled at hiding, to the point of having the whole house in a panic, looking for her... Was the record for her hiding three hours? Or four?

It was always Naoko who found her, thanks to her impressive sense of her surroundings.

Dabi was never great at managing his emotions and there were burn marks scattered around the house to show it, but he still occasionally managed to get out with Naoko. Both consistently came home beat up and whatnot, but Dabi somehow managed to look even more traumatized every time they came back, opposed to Naoko... Rei was scared to ask about that pleased look she had.

The whole thing was concerning and not Rei's problem right now.

Surprisingly, Mag, Levi, and Chris were probably doing the best out of everyone... They had formed a horrific alliance of sorts that consisted of rainbows and violence, but it worked for them... Rei genuinely refused to look deeper into it, but it worked.

Basically, everyone was one dropped croissant from either breaking down or committing some kind of panic induced homicide, and Rei was sick of the constant tension.

Now, for re-emphasis, Rei was in no way a counselor. She'd been traumatized, she'd done some traumatizing of her own, and she'd watched people be traumatized, but that didn't mean she had any idea how to handle the current situation.

The powder keg that was her new home needed help. She wasn't qualified to give that help, but she was a mother. She'd roll up her sleeves and get the job done if it was the last thing she did (Ironic... and sad, but possible).

Rei had an idea, it just required a little cooperation.


Chris sternly shook his head as he stared at Rei. He understood where she was coming from, and he respected the balls on the woman more than he could admit, but this was his and Levi's home. They cherished what little quiet time they could get now a days, and the kitchen was the one place that they could be together without the rest of the house interrupting them. He wasn't about to risk that for something that could go terribly wrong.

Rei had a recipe clutched in her hands as she refused to break eye contact. No. They had no other place to do this, she wasn't giving up just yet. "Please? Chris, you know just as well as I do that no one here has the ability to work through their crap! I've been to counseling, I know a thing or too, and getting it out helps!"

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