Chapter 8- The USJ Pt 1

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A glare was stretched across Naoko's face as watched Iida direct everyone how to enter the bus; after that mess of the alarm going off last week, Iida had taken it upon himself to 'help' Naoko become a more involved member of the class. This meant that he was constantly badgering her to take her earphones out and pay more attention in class; sure, he didn't know about her deafness, but that help the fact that she was about ready to punch him in the face every couple of seconds.

Apparently, all she had to do to get this kind of treatment was to go onto the roof to think (being completely unaware of the panic that was going on below her, mind you), until the overly protective boy came to give her the scolding of her life... Which Naoko completely ignored. If she wanted a lecture, she could always just go home and talk to her aunt, she didn't need another parental figure in her life right now

She winced slightly as a fist hitting her head tore her from her less than happy thoughts, Bakahoe stood behind her, "Hey idiot, you're sitting by me, got it?"

Naoko nodded briefly, he was another one that had begun to pay closer attention to her since she talked to him in the woods. Honestly, she wasn't sure what to make of it, but something about how he was careful to angle himself towards her when he spoke worried Naoko. It was the same thing Hasame and Rei did, both of whom knew about her deafness. This was something she needed to confront him on later.

Apparently, they were going to the USJ (The Unforeseen Simulation Joint) to learn about rescue operations. As exciting as this may have been, Naoko lacked the ability to have excitement because of two things; one, she was only able to get three hours of sleep the night before between dreams and nervous studying, and two, she heard that the program was run by Thirteen, a hero in a space suit... A space suit that had a completely opaque helmet... Oh, Joy...

As Naoko continued to go through these thoughts, her head began bobbing forward, catching the attention of her classmates, several of whom began to coo at how sweet Naoko looked.

"I bet Fujimura will be a popular hero one day!" Ochaco said happily, continuing their topic from before, "She just seems so sweet!"

One or two girls nodded happily, but Aoyama turned around cut in hastily, "Her be a popular hero? Oh no, Ma Cheri, Madamoselle Fujimura is simply too rough around the edges to thrive in the limelight, no?"

Mina nodded thoughtfully, "I hate to admit it, but he might be right, when we faced her during our battle, she was so intense... It was actually kind of scary, if I'm being honest!" Mina giggled and waved her hand dismissively, "Fujimura-san will probably be a good hero, but I doubt she'd want the popularity. She actually reminds me a lot of Mr. Aizawa."

Midoriya nodded his head and looked thoughtfully at the napping girl, "That's true, I hadn't thought of it, but there does seem to be similarities between them. I wonder if they knew each other before."

The conversation quickly turned to other things, Naoko's classmates shrugging their confusion off quickly, leaving only one person glaring at the side of Naoko's head, 'That dumb bitch, the circles under her eyes are way too noticeable. She's practically screaming that something's wrong.'


The wall was boring... perhaps that was the wrong place to look, but Naoko had tried paying attention for the first few seconds, and quickly realized how futile that was as she couldn't read 13's non-existent lips and Aizawa's mouth was covered by his capture weapon; hence why she was now staring at the wall and counting how many lights there were around the perimeter.

People around her were acting really excited, which Naoko didn't exactly get, seeing as how all they were doing was rescue operations. Perhaps that was overly cynical of her, but Naoko knew a bit about the protocols that went into the hero rescuing service, so she was predicting a long day full of lecturing that she wouldn't be able to follow along with.

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