Life Shots- Coffee and Dancing

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The Midnight Catastrophe

Coffee was everything to Hasame and Naoko, they loved the feeling of caffeine hitting them, and since they were both insomniacs, they used it as a way to function in society and not commit homicide.

To their very pleasant surprise, Dabi shared their love, and his taste was absolutely impeccable. As a trio, they would go out in public (disguised, of course), and find the fanciest coffee shops, salivating over beans that cost as much as one of Hasame's paychecks.

On the other hand, Levi was an insomniac who was addicted to coffee, but unlike the trio, he didn't give a rat's ass where the coffee came from. Yesterday's coffee that had been cold for more than 24 hours and probably was more water than coffee? He'd chug that shit still cold, and black. Cheap ass coffee that came from the dollar store and tasted like literal dirt? Didn't phase him in the slightest.

It was truly chilling to watch. The trio had to look away every time he did that.

Chris had a decent taste when he was picking coffee, but he hated drinking it, and Mag was a bit of a purist when it came to that, she much preferred tea, brewed strong. Eri was too young, but Naoko was determined to turn her into just as much of a coffee snob as she was one day.

This is why, when Dabi burst in, a bag of beans in his hands, and a proud look in his eyes, Naoko and Hasame got excited for the first time in a while.

Immediately, Naoko threw her book to the side and Hasame basically shoved aside Eri in their scramble to get to the smug man. "Is that what I think it is?" Hasame clamored, her cheeks flushed lightly.

Naoko was grinning ear to ear, the packaging of the bag recognizable to anyone who cared about coffee.

Eri poked her head in, her big red eyes sparkling as she tried to understand what was happening, "Dobby?" She asked, not noticing the irritation that bloomed in Dabi's eyes, nor the humor in Hasame's, (she was the one to teach the poor girl that), "What's in the bag?"

It was said with such innocence and purity that Dabi had to look away squinting, but he still smiled proudly, "They're-"

"Black Ivory Coffee Beans." Naoko's eye's practically sparkled at this, "One of the rarest coffee's in the world and the most expensive!"

Chris walked in just in time to hear her say this, and concern wrinkled his brow, "Expensive?" He asked, seemingly afraid of the answer, "How expensive?"

"Over $800 per pound." Hasame whispered like a prayer.

If Naoko could hear Chris's gasp at that moment, she probably would've died, but instead, she leaned down as Eri tugged on her shirt, looking directly at Eri to not miss the distorted whisper.

"Is that a lot?"

Dabi's ears had long since flushed as he looked everywhere but at the hero, who was watching him with horror in his eyes, "I... Uh, well..." He was beyond uncomfortable, and both Hasame and Naoko were living for it.

"No," Naoko was extremely serious in her response, "It's more than a lot."

This seemed to convey the message, as Eri nodded solemnly, going back to observing.

Chris, on the other hand, seemed to be facing a moral crisis. He knew well and good that Dabi didn't have income like that, so that probably meant he stole it. Which was bad... But it wouldn't be the first time any of them had stolen something, and there was nothing about a robbery on the police scanners, which meant Dabi probably hadn't hurt anyone... Which was good.

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