Chapter 45- Reuniting With Class 1-A

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For Naoko and her group, so much had changed over the last few months, but they were taking it in stride. It was just another day in the office for them with how much shit that had happened to them, so they were moving on with the help of forced therapy and coffee.

For class 1-A? Things weren't moving quite as smoothly.

Like... They'd been attacked by the LOV enough this semester alone to feel their mortality twenty times over. Bakugou had been gone mute since they finally moved into the dorms, and Naoko was gone.

She was normally quiet in class, but everyone could feel the space she left. It was... Unnerving, to say the least.

Most normal people would look at this group and realize that it was no wonder they were silent, like... PTSD was a thing, and they were all traumatized, they needed therapy.

UA, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. Aizawa himself felt that ever-pressing need for therapy that he tried to push down, but Nezu argued that these were heroes in training, they had to get used to this kind of thing eventually. Which everyone could agree was a terrible idea... Even Aizawa recognized was a good way to fuck these kids over in the future.

The lack of mental health services was something about hero work he detested... But he couldn't do anything about it now. Right now he had to worry about how to handle his class. Bakugou had practically hissed at Aizawa when he suggested therapy for almost getting kidnapped.

And now Naoko had left, which was going to throw everyone off even more... Like... He hated sympathy, but fuck. These poor fucking kids.

Class had been unbearably silent since it started up again, classes worked basically like normal, except a lot quieter, which was somehow worse for him. He thought he'd be happy to have a quiet class, but this was so much worse than he could've imagined.

What was he going to do?

"Aizawa-sensei?" A hand shot into the air, breaking the silence like a shot. It was Mina today, They'd been taking turns asking this question.

He nodded for her to go ahead and she stood up. Oh god, she was going blow this up, wasn't she?

"Why did Naoko leave?"

Of course... Just dive in headfirst. Where was his sleeping bag when he needed it? "I think that's something you should ask her." It was a non-answer, but he could hardly tell them that she had lost faith in the hero system and was probably getting ready to do something stupid.

Mina shook her head, "We did, but she brushed us off." Several heads around the room nodded, "Then when I went to ask her about it again, their apartment was empty."

What did he expect him to say? Did they want him to make Naoko materialize so she could answer their questions?

He shrugged, which was not the right answer, apparently. There was no right answer.

"Sir," Mina's eyes showed rebellion, which was not something he wanted to deal with right now, "We both know Naoko was way too stubborn to just give up! Leaving because she didn't like the villain attacks doesn't seem... Well... It doesn't seem like Naoko."

To anyone else, this statement would've been so weird. Normal people would leave in a backward situation like this, where their lives were threatened every other week. It wasn't normal to push through this. But... this was class 1-A we were talking about, and it was Naoko Fujimura. A girl who faced the wrath of multiple major villains and simply shrugged.

Midoriya shook his head, "I don't know... Her aunt didn't seem thrilled about UA, maybe Naoko left for her."

How close he was... So close, yet so far.

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