Chapter 3- The Results

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Naoko opened her eyes slowly, it felt as though they had been glued shut; which was never a good sign; she must have overused her quirk. The bright light of a hospital greeted her, and a curse rose to her lips as she struggled to move but was forced back int the bed by how incredibly sore she was; whenever she overused her quirk, she ended up not being able to move and scar tissue from three years ago would burst open, causing her to bleed internally. Sure, it took a lot for her to get to that point, but when she did, it sucked.

A hand was placed on her forehead carefully, and Naoko forced her eyes to focus on the two blobs standing by her, "Aunt Hasame, Rei-sama," She could feel the raspiness of her voice, so she coughed lightly, "What are you guys doing here?"

Hasame tapped her sharply on the forehead, causing Naoko to cringe away from her irate aunt, "You idiot, you haven't even been accepted to that school, and you're already getting hurt! How could you be so reckless?" Hasame's words were hard to read, but Naoko could still see the desperation hidden in her aunt's eyes; she grabbed Hasame's hand and turned her head to Rei Todoroki.

"Do you know what happened?" She asked cautiously, not wanting the situation to become even tenser than it already was, "The last thing I remember, I was in the testing center... What stupid thing did I do?" Naoko didn't even have to be told that she did something stupid, even if she didn't have all the memories from that moment, she knew herself.

Rei-sama seemed to be thinking over her words carefully, "I don't know all the details, I honestly just got permission to come to your floor and see you a little while ago; but apparently you saved a classmate with your quirk, which put your life in danger." She sat delicately on the edge of Naoko's bed, "The nurses all sounded very impressed with your heroism."

Another sharp tap on her forehead (was her aunt trying to drill in her forehead?) brought Naoko's attention back to her aunt, "Don't encourage her, Rei. The idiot nearly got herself killed! I don't know what kind of school has ginormous robots that are perfectly capable of killing someone as an entrance exam, but I like this school less the more I hear about it."

Naoko could feel another sharp tap coming, so she reached up weakly and intercepted the finger, "What else would they use, Aunt?" She asked trying to make her voice quieter, "Hasame, you have to realize that these huge robots are nothing compared to the villains that any hero would one day have to face; if they don't give us a taste of what could be coming, then they would be failing at their job."

She tried to sit up again, and this time Rei guided her and piled pillows behind her back, making it easier for her to stay up, "How long was I out?" Both women looked away from Naoko at that point, that couldn't be a good sign.

It was Rei who finally broke, she tapped Naoko's shoulder, "You've been out for three days, Naoko; the doctor was starting to think that there was permanent brain damage." Naoko's eyes widened, that was the longest amount of time she had been knocked out by her quirk, just what did she do to cause such a huge effect?

Her aunt tapped her on the shoulder, "Naoko, I'm sorry, but we have to go; visiting time is almost over. Apparently, your letter from UA was either supposed to come today or tomorrow, how about I bring it with me when I come, and we can look at it together?" Naoko nodded weakly, too much had happened, her head was starting to throb, and she just wanted to go back to sleep. "Rei, can you get permission to come again tomorrow?"

Naoko's eyes shot to her friend, if there was anyone she wanted to be there when she was opening the most important letter of her life, it was Todoroki Rei. "I'll do my best to be here, my nurse is usually pretty lenient with me visiting people here for an hour or two." That soft smile was exactly what Naoko wanted to see, she leaned forward as best she could despite the pain and held her arms out to the two most important people in her life, both of whom gladly gave her the hug she was looking for.

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