Chapter 32- Resolute

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There were many words one could use to describe Bakugou Katsuki. Angry and Pomeranian were right at the top of the list, but not too far beneath those would be a word that no one could fault him for.


Sure, he had his rough edges, but in the end, he always found a way to come through for those he actually cared about. Normally, that was a fairly small list, composed of his family and Deku, no matter how much he tried to deny it, but since he had started up at UA, that list had grown exponentially.

From fewer than five people the majority of his life, Bakugou had more than doubled that number.

It was irritating if he let himself think about it, but Katsuki wasn't one to let himself dwell on such petty things. For the most part, he was able to dwell in this comfortable state of apathy, but some bitch had to come in and ruin that for him.

At first, Naoko had been just another obstacle to overcome. Sure, she was strong and all, he couldn't really deny that since he had seen her hold back a Nomu first-hand, but she was apathetic. She sat back and did nothing, all the while judging him from her disabled throne. It was maddening for him.

Then she threw a curveball at him. She pushed back, not letting him get in her way.

She went at the rate she was comfortable with and no faster, but she never gave up. She was deaf, but she still learned how to function almost normally, her quirk was more deadly than anyone else's in the classroom, but she still managed to do well enough with it, she literally tore her body apart when she used her quirk too much, but she still did it anyway.

He... God damn it... He hated to admit it more than he hated Deku, but She impressed him.

And now she was in the hands of villains, who could be doing anything to her.

Society was already half against her, and he suspected it had something to do with the scream he had heard ring out across the USJ, but that was beside the point.

The problem was that she was in very real danger of either losing herself or dying, and Katsuki refused to let that happen. He didn't know where she was, or if she would even come with them if they did find her, but he was willing to take that risk.

He hated it, but swallowing his pride (A huge swallow, I imagine) and asking Deku, one of the most strategically minded kids in the class, for help was basically his only option at this point.

It had taken a while for him to get his request out, and even longer for him to stop pacing.

His parents would be picking him up the next day, so they had to get something set in motion before that because his parents were determined... Just as determined as he was, and if he so much as flinched towards the door for the next few days, they would stop him.

Katsuki's grip tightened on the railing of Deku's bed and he growled just a little under his breath, "Well Nerd?" He bit out, hating every moment, "Will you help me rescue our classmate or not?"

Deku, irritatingly enough, had begun to mumble the moment Katsuki mentioned Naoko. It was as if he had been considering the same thing himself and could finally put it into words. There was a slight flash in Deku's eyes that had a cold chill running down Katsuki's back as the Nerd muttered. Something about the boy was terrifying... He had been watching everyone since the first day, and while he would never beat Bakugou, it was still scary to watch.

"The heroes are already planning a rescue operation," He finally said, "No one has said anything outright, but the way UA has been responding to the press shows it. I bet they probably have a pretty good idea of where she is, between the implants in Fujimura-san's ears and the tracking device Momo talked about. It would only make sense if the heroes were setting up to get her back as we speak... But who knows, operations like this, even emergency ones, take time to put together, Fujimura-san could be in the League's hands for days before anyone can get to her. She's strong, but who knows how long she can hold on before-"

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