Chapter 20-Differing Views

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The hours passed slowly for Sonar, who refused to leave Naoko's side, as he continuously used his quirk to monitor Naoko's condition as best he could. At some point, Chris returned and sat next to him, but he couldn't focus on that, he was too busy trying to feel out Naoko's quirk to pay attention to his partner just yet.

He would never admit it to himself, but he was a little bit frantic, the fact that Naoko's consciousness was spread out across the alleyway in the form on an unthinking mass was terrifying enough, but to think that she still hadn't returned to her body was somehow worse... And of course, because things don't just go 'bad', he had to move back several times as the range of her quirk expanded.

Thankfully, the quirk seemed to be lazy in the extreme, as small patches of the walls and ground would be continuously melting and hardening, and occasionally things would evaporate here and there, but for the most part, Sonar got the feeling that the quirk was almost... Well, bored.

It wasn't until a new presence made itself known in the alleyway that the two pros turned away from Naoko.

The figure that walked swiftly into the alleyway was shadowed but his long hair and capture weapon were unmistakable. Chris was the first on his feet as he walked towards Eraser Head with relief shining from him, "You made it, thanks for coming so quickly." The relief in his voice was palpable as the two shook hands before Aizawa passed Chris and walked towards Naoko.

"You mentioned it briefly, but what exactly happened and how mad should I be at my students?" His eyes glowed red and his hair began to float around him as he activated his quirk, not waiting for the explanation as he tried to assess what Naoko's condition was.

Sonar was also fixed on the scene, over the hours, he had gotten better at sensing where Naoko's quirk field was, so he was able to watch the quirk field slowly shrinking back into the unresponsive Naoko. The tightness that was wound up in his chest began to release as he began to sense more activity happening in her brain, "It's working," He signed quickly, not bothering to release his quirk as he continued to monitor Naoko.

Chris, who just about collapsed in relief at Sonar's signal, smiled jovially before turning towards the teacher, "Well, you certainly don't have to worry about Naoko, from the accounts I've heard from both your students and the pro hero who witnessed the whole thing, Naoko did well without going overboard!" 

The raven-haired teacher nodded slightly, his eyes remained fixed on Naoko, "I suppose it makes sense, how about the other students? I've already received reports that three of my students were involved in whatever... This was." 

Before Chris could respond, Sonar moved forward to Naoko, and laid two fingers on her pulse, "She's back," He signed at Chris before scooping the girl into his arms with more care than even he thought he would be capable of.

That was a good sign for Chris to walk over to Sonar and check the girl himself, "They were trying to be... Heroic..." Chris murmured out in response to Eraserhead's question, "I'm sure they thought they were doing the right thing."

Aizawa sighed heavily, "That's what I was afraid of." He grumbled into his scarf as he watched as the two made there way over with the limp girl still in their arms, "Do you need anything else from me before I leave?"

No matter how much it seemed as though he didn't care, Chris was able to pick up on the strong bond between the two as his quirk tinged. It really was amusing, the tired teacher seemed to be trying not to show emotion, but Chris was able to bypass that in a heartbeat; the poor teacher seemed to be out of his mind with worry even if he was hiding it well.

Sonar ignored both of them as he simply continued on his way out of the alleyway, leaving Chris to deal with the teacher, "You could come to the hospital with us, make sure she's safe, maybe talk to the other students involved, you know, that kind of thing."

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