Chapter 37B

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This is the SECOND PART of my three-part update dump. Don't start here!


If you would've told her yesterday that she would be doing such crazy shit today, she probably would've laughed in your face before kicking you out of her apartment... But here she was, being a dumb ass.

The large human... Hasame couldn't deny that he looked quite a bit like a human potato, was speaking, and his words permeated her mind, but Hasame forced herself to block them out, her eyes flitting only slightly to Naoko, who was still writhing on the ground.

She had to focus on what she could do something about, and right now, Naoko wasn't one of those things.

So much was happening that she completely ignored most of it. The league of villains beginning to fight other heroes who were beginning to pop up, the shadowy figures that had dropped from a nearby rooftop and were now racing towards the wall she had come from, and even the fight between All Might and the Potato was growing steadily worse. She focused instead on Levi and Chris, who were lying dazed on the ground.

She went first to Levi, who had blood oozing down his face from where he smacked it on the building and pulled a roll of bandages out of her pocket. It was a lucky break that she had decided to bring along as many medical supplies as she could fit in her pockets when they stopped at a nurse's station. She wasn't sure what they had been about to face, but she decided that it was better to be over-prepared than underprepared.

No doubt Chitani would yell at her for taking it when she next saw him, but that could wait until then. If she saw him again, it would mean that she didn't die here, which would absolutely be a good thing.

"Come on," She muttered under her breath, quickly wrapping the bandages tightly, feeling for anything broken. No doubt they would both have a nasty concussion after this, but she prayed that they would be able to get up and keep fighting.

Shock is one heck of a drug. She knew that from personal experience, so it should do its job here and get them moving again.

What she didn't see, and totally chose to ignore in the first place, was the fact that she had gained a bit of attention, which ended up being her downfall.

Just as Levi was starting to groan, his eyes fluttering slightly, a hand wrapped around Hasame's arm, pulling her away from the heroes she was trying to help, and into the arms of a very scaley person.

Being grabbed at all in a situation like this couldn't be a good sign, so Hasame did the first thing she could think of. Her foot snapped back and she stomped down, scraping the side of her abductor's leg right before her heel smashed down into the top of the reptilian foot.

A short scream of pain escaped the unknown person and Hasame jumped away, wrenching her arm out of his grasp.

Why was she doing this? Why was she here?!

This wasn't supposed to happen. She couldn't fight villains! All she had were self-defense classes under her belt and a life-time's worth of wrestling her brother, father, and Naoko. None of those made her qualified to be here!

Why did she leave the protection of her hiding spot again?

Right... Yeah, that's right... Because she's an idiot.

Just as she decided that hey, maybe this is a good time to retreat, she was stopped, coming face to face with a blue-haired man with a hand covering his face.

Her mind spun as she looked around and realized that she was surrounded. Sure, heroes were here, but so were villains, and she had just done the dumbest thing she possibly could and became a target. Nice job Hasame.

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