Chapter 24- The Practical Exam

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You know? It's interesting how the brain can choose to block things out... For example, every day Naoko woke up, she was choosing to ignore her lack of sleep and the fact that her room was just a bit more disfigured. Every time Rei looked out a window in her hospital, she tried to force herself to forget the fact that she was stuck in a comfortable prison. Every time Hasame looked at Naoko, she had to force herself to forget her brother's face, which couldn't be more apparent in his daughter.

Some people choose to forget big, earth-shattering things that change the course of lives and others...

Well... others just choose to be stupid.

For the third time since their exam started, Naoko was forced to swat Mineta's hand away from her boobs. A distasteful sentence for a distasteful parasite.

It seemed that threatening to emasculate the imp in front of their whole class hadn't been enough reason for him to leave her alone. Naoko was very quickly getting a clear idea of why the girls in the class were so bothered by him.

The only thing that was stopping her from fulfilling her threat was the fact that a clock was ticking and a rather terrifying teacher stood between them and the exit.

Naoko's back was against a boulder they had taken refuge behind after almost getting taken out within the first three seconds of their exam. Thankfully, Naoko had sensed Midnight a moment before the gas got to them, and she was able to begin sprinting away.

Unfortunately, her partner had sharp reflexes and was able to grab her leg as she rushed by and clung on until they reached some form of safety. As soon as Midnight was at the other end of the arena, Naoko was able to hide and get rid of her passenger, who immediately began trying to take advantage of her.

"Are you really trying this now?" Naoko hissed, her green eyes blazing as she kicked him off her... Again, "I don't know how long we have left, and you're trying to feel me up?"

The slimeball looked up at her with a glint in his eye and grinned, "Isn't this the perfect time though?" He simpered, staying a foot away for safety, "Think about it, we're alone and in danger, in a tense situation like this, it would make sense for passion to arise!" 

It took three deep breaths to stop Naoko from reaching out her quirk and melting the little idiot's brain into a pile of goop. 

Not like it would produce much of a difference... Though on the bright side, if she did that then he would finally be able to pretend his dick was bigger than his brain.



It was so, so tempting, but Naoko really didn't want to go to jail today.

Okay, maybe she was okay with that idea, but now was not the time to use this card.

"I..." Naoko cut herself off and took one final large breath for her own sanity before continuing, "I don't know what horrid fantasies you've been having, but stop it, we need to be making a plan, not be throwing up."

She ignored whatever he might have been about to say and lifted herself up just enough to peek over the top of their shield. "I can't feel her." She muttered, turning back around and slumping back into the ground, "I think she went back to the exit to wait for us."

The cockroach probably said something, but Naoko was far too busy looking at the sky and pondering their options.

If she had her mask, this would be simple. Walk up to Midnight, drop the grape at her feet and then sink both him and the professor into a lake of her creation. Heck, she could even use the idiot as a shotput to launch for a distraction as she walked around them, but that probably wouldn't work.

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