Chapter 22- A Shift in Perspective

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There were things that heroes, even heroes in training, weren't supposed to do... Melting an opponent's feet off was one of them. As was hardening the liquid in a person's body to bring them to a standstill.

As was making the liquid in the body turn into a gas, as was hardening certain parts of the bloodstream to cause a heart attack or stroke...

Basically, all of Naoko's idea's for 'ultimate moves' would only make the accusations leveled against her so much worse... Not to mention the fact that all of them would kill or permanently maim the recipient, which wasn't the best look for a hero.

Hero training was normally after lunch, but for today, it had been moved ahead to just before lunch because of some conflict that Naoko had been too preoccupied to listen for, so now she was just standing in front of one of Ectoplasm's clones, glaring a hole in it as she tried to figure out what she was supposed to do for one Ultimate move.

And thanks to the sadist that was Shota Aizawa, she didn't just have to learn one of these things, but three... She was so close to following Bakugou's example and just say fuck it, melting the clone into a pile of goop, but... Well, that really wasn't a good idea.

What made it worse was the fact that Ectoplasm had no facial expressions for her to read, he was a clone, so when she tried to 'read' him, as Sonar had recommended, she couldn't. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a large explosion, which drew her attention to Bakugou... Don't even get her started on the majority of her classmates, they were all having so much fun practicing and experimenting that she legitimately just wanted to break down and cry.

Okay, so maybe not cry, but it was getting there.

All Bakugou had to do was narrow the radius of his blast and he got a high powered shot that could destroy a lot of crap. Todoroki was in the same boat, especially since he was just barely beginning to use his fire.

Midoriya was using his legs to greater effect, Iida had his reciprico burst, the rock man, Kirishima, was working on making his body stronger and here Naoko was, just glaring at a clone of her teacher.

She had a feeling that Ectoplasm wouldn't mind too much if she accidentally melted one of his clones, but when she had reached out to try it only a few minutes ago, she couldn't... Not even exaggerating, her brain froze when she was about to reach her quirk into Ectoplasm and she had to turn away for a moment.

At that moment, she could feel blood on her hands, and when she looked down, there was a pool of the crimson liquid before her, made worse by the chunks of half-melted humans that rested in it.

It had been just like her nightmares, except this time she knew she wouldn't wake up screaming. She never really had dealt with the emotional trauma that had come with the USJ... Especially since the whole Stain incident had brought everything back in terrifying detail.

That was about the point where Naoko had pulled her quirk back and moved instead to glaring at the clone, trying to decide what in the world she could do.

Technically, she could probably just melt the ground around him and then solidify it once he was far enough down. That move wasn't deadly, and it would deal with most people in the blink of an eye, but something about it felt... wrong.

She had been using it since the beginning, so to suddenly introduce it as an 'Ultimate' move felt cheap.

Though, if she couldn't find anything else to do, that might have to do for now... Now she just had to figure out two more.

Her hands were still shaking from the earlier flashback and she could already feel her legs beginning to shake, if she didn't do something soon, she was liable to collapse. Naoko did the only thing she could think of at that moment, she knelt down and let her quirk activate as she liquefied a huge swath of the cement stand she was on.

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