First Day of School. Don't Screw Up!

Start from the beginning

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and I was going so fast I..."

"Hey, hey, calm down. It's okay, I'm not hurt," I assure him giggling. "I'm Y/N, and you are?" I ask, introducing myself.

"Oh, um, I'm Adrien. Adrien Agreste." He says with a small smile. He reaches a hand out to help me up and a gratefully accept.

"Cool, nice to meet you!" I smile. He looks confused for a moment before I continue. "Um, why were you sprin-"

"Adrien, please. Come back. You know your father does not want you to go to school." I was cut off by a professional-looking woman in a suit stepping out of a shiny, silver limo. She had rectangle glasses and dark hair, though her bangs were dyed red, ombre style, and swooshed to the side. She was also carrying a clipboard.

"Ah, that's why," I say quietly. Adrien looks at me apologetically. He starts down the stairs when I hear a yelp to my left. I see an elderly Chinese man in a Hawaiian print shirt and khaki shorts sprawled on the ground, his cane a meter away from him. I take a step to go help, but Adrien beats me to it. He helps the man, who appears very grateful, and Adrien returns to his limo. Adrien gives me a small smile before closing the door. I turn to leave for first period when the man Adrien helped catches my eye. He was walking without his cane over his shoulder as if he didn't need it at all.

As strange as it is, I don't have time to investigate.

Pushing through the doors I scamper up the stairs to the office. Mr. Damocles, the principal, hands me my schedule then shoos me off to class. I just make it through the door when the bell rang. Alya and Marinette are seated in the front right seats, the front left seats were open. Chloe and Sabrina, the redhead that follows Chloe everywhere, were sitting behind the front left desk. Everyone else, I had no idea who they were. I plop myself down in front of Chloe. To my surprise and disapointment, Chloe taps my shoulder rudely asking me to move.

"Why?" I snap back.

"Well, for your information, one of my childhood friends slash boyfriend is going to come today and I want him to sit there. So move," She explains to me. Not wanting to start a fight on my first day, I move to the back next to a boy with glasses, a blue shirt, a red baseball hat, and red headphones around his neck. He sees me and looks scared for a second.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," I tell him.

"All good dude. I'm Nino." He scooches over so I can scooch in.

"Y/N," I reply, shaking his hand.

The teacher enters the room and class begins. We did the normal ice breaker games and a quick overview of what the curriculum looks like. During the ice breakers, we played a game called two truths and a lie. My truths were I have only been in Paris for a month and a once wrestled a raccoon. My lie was my favourite colour is (least favourite colour), it's actually (fav colour). After the overview, we had free time. I walked down to Mari and Alya dragging Nino with me.

"Y/N! How did you do that?" Mari almost screams at me.

"Do what? Wrestle a raccoon?" I ask laughing.

"YES!" She and Alya both shout. I laugh and begin my story.

"... It put up quite a fight but I managed to get it out of the house with only a few scratches. Don't worry, I did go to the doctor the day after." I finished my tale right when the bell rang. My three friends and I start leaving for second period when a small blonde girl with ginormous eyes, clad in all pink approaches me. Beside her was another girl who seems to be the polar opposite of the pink girl. She is of average height with black and purple hair and clothes to match.

"Hi, I'm Rose!" The pink one squeaks up at me. "Can we sit with you during lunch? We wanna hear all about (hometown)!"

"Yeah for sure!" I reply.

"Thanks," the goth/emo looking girl says, "I'm Juleka by the way."

"It's very nice to meet you Juleka, you as well Rose. I'm Y/N." Before I can further our conversation, Chloe starts calling me.

"Hey, loser! Where did you get your food? The trash bin?" She laughs at her own joke.

"Yes actually," I reply. She looks at me confused. "I got it from your daddy's hotel." The whole class went crazy like that one vine.

Chloe didn't have a comeback so she just stomped out the door scowling.

Skip to Lunch

Walking into the cafeteria I wave at Mari, Alya and Nino. Juleka and Rose were trailing behind me. "Hey, guys! Mind if these two join?" The three nod happily.

About halfway through lunch Chloe and her lapdog come marching up to me. "I can't believe your parents dress you in that clothing!" Sabrina snickers. The whole lunchroom goes silent. "Where did you get them? The thrift store?" She and Sabrina start howling with laughter.

I blink. "That's exactly where I got them." I give her an innocent look. She clearly has no idea how to respond.

"You look like your wearing a garbage bag!" She yells.

"And you look more like a clown than James Charles."

The entire cafeteria explodes with "OOOOHHHHH!"s just like that vine.

Chloe is seething. Steam in visibly coming out of her ears. She opens her mouth to insult me but I cut her off.

"Don't even try, Barbie. You've lost this one."

"I haven't finished!" She shouts at me.

"No matter what you do you never will." The innocent beans in the crowd look confused but the more gutter-minded people go insane. Chloe looks at me shocked. I smirk and she simply storms off, a confused looking Sabrina behind her.

Mari and Nino turn to me. "I don't get it," they both say. I look to Alya who's trying really hard not to burst out laughing again. There are tears coming out of her eyes due to her effort. The sight makes me lose it. Mari and Nino look even more confused.

Still laughing I manage to say, "Don't worry about it."


HI thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!

I love Chloe and I really want to redeem her but I gotta wait for the right moment. Enjoy the drama for now!


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