Special 33

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I watched as Kimimaru started to cough up blood. I quickly ran towards her and tried to calm her down but her screams would make me flinch. I saw her breathing heavily as she tried to stop coughing. Once she finished coughing I quickly picked her up and started to run towards the hospital.

"You'll be alright Kimimaru. Just hang in there." I repeated to her.

Once I arrived at the hospital I was quickly surrounded by nurses. They led me to a room then took Kimimaru away from me. Grammy Tsunade walked pass me and followed right behind the nurses. I quickly ran after her but was stopped before I could enter the room.

"Please, wait outside." One of the nurses said to me. I nodded hesitantly and waited outside her room.

"Naruto! I heard what happened! Is Kimimaru alright?!" Sakura shouted as she ran towards me.

"I don't know." I said trying to hold back my tears.

"Hey Naruto, everyone's outside waiting for you. We're going to inform all the senseis, you should come with us." Sakura said putting her hands on my shoulders. I stood up slowly then walked out of the hospital. All my friends were waiting outside but I just ignored them.

"Hey Naruto! How's Kimimaru?!" Kiba shouted as he ran up to me but I walked passed him.

"N-Naruto?" Hinata said as I walked by.

"I'm going home." I finally said as I turned right.

It's was getting dark out and I couldn't just go back to the hospital. They would just tell me to go home. Once home, I went to go take a hot bath. Once I finished I changed into my pj's then went to bed.

"She'll be fine. Grammy Tsunade is with her." I repeated to myself as I stated to fall asleep.

Two Days Later

I was woken up by a knock at the door. I walked slowly towards the door and when I opened it Kiba ran inside.

"Hey Kiba *yawns* wat sup?" I asked as I closed the door behind him.

"She's gone! She's gone Naruto!" Kiba shouted.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked.

"Kimimaru, Lady Tsunade said that she placed ANBU all over her room. But when we went to visit her yesterday the ANBU where dead! Lady Tsunade believes that someone must of kidnapped Kimimaru. Naruto we have to go find her!" Kiba shouted.

No. Why now? Why does this have to happen now?! I thought to myself.

I quickly ran to change then ran outside with Kiba following. We ran towards the hospital hoping that it was a bad joke. However, once we arrived, Kimimaru's room window was broken. There were bodies all over the place and blood everywhere.

"Naruto! Kiba! What are you two doing here?! This is a dangerous place for you to be right now."Grammy Tsunade shouted as she walked over to us.

"Grammy Tsunade, where's Kimimaru?!" I shouted but she shook her head.

"I'd like to know too." She said looking out the broken window.

I walked over to the broken window and saw something shining. I grabbed it then placed it on the plam of my hand. My eyes widen when I noticed what it was. I quickly turned around and walked towards Kiba.

"Can you and Akamaru help me find her?!" I shouted.

"Yeah I guess but I need her scent to track her down." Kiba replied.

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