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"That girl really has some nerve!" Elijah hissed, shaking her head while Bora sighed. Normally Bora isn't quick to judge but she began thinking that Elijah might have been right.

Did I offend her somehow?

"Maybe she didn't mean to come off that way," Bora suggested, shrugging her shoulders as she slowly took out her book from her locker.

"What do you mean? How could she just take your seat when you've had it since mid-September?!" Elijah let out a frustrated sigh, hitting her fist against the locker.

"She said the teacher thought it'll be best for her to learn from Jungkook since they were friends."

"Did you think to ask her?"

"Well," Bora frowned, "...no. I didn't think she'd lie about that."

"She could be lying from all we know. I'm certain your teacher didn't make a change to the seating arrangement."

"Then why hasn't the teacher said anything?" Bora tried to argue.

"She probably didn't say anything because she thought you were okay with it!"

"You think?" Bora whispered, slightly biting her lip while thinking it over.

"I'm 100% positive," Elijah gave a sharp nod.

"Shh, she's coming," Bora whispered, not bothering to look at the girl that began approaching them.

"Excuse me," Haneul muttered. Elijah moved out of the way so that the girl could access her locker, which just so happened to be right next to Bora's.

"Sorry," Elijah rolled her eyes once Haneul's back was turned toward her.

There seemed to be an awkward silence that was growing quickly with each passing second since no one was saying a word.

Bora almost gave a sigh in relief when it was Haneul who decided to speak. "I'm sorry about taking your seat in history class," Haneul spoke in a cheery voice. Too cheery that it almost didn't sound genuine.

"It's fine. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable during your first few weeks at school," Bora gave a smile as she kept filling her bag with notebooks, using it as an excuse to not stare at her.

"If you want, I could always ask our history teacher to switch us back. I feel bad," Haneul's voice was low, mixed with a teasing tone.

Bora clenched her jaw as she shut her locker door with a bang that caused Haneul to take a step back.

"Don't worry about it! I'll see you around." Bora tried to muster up a genuine smile before walking down the hall, Elijah right behind her.

"Now that I know you're a UFC fighter," Elijah whispered the last part, stopping mid-sentence to look both ways to make sure no one was listening, "you kind of scare me a bit."

Bora let out a laugh, shaking her head. "That was nothing, Elijah. Did I ever tell you the time I joint-locked Song Areum's arm, forcing her to kneel on the floor?"

"You. Did. Not," Elijah gasped in awe.

"Why would I lie about that?"

"That makes so much sense now! No wonder she's never around you!" Elijah grinned, shaking her head. "You're brilliant but scary."


"I think I might have found a way to get us tickets to the next UFC match," Jimin grinned as he took a flyer from his school bag.

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