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Sorry for the late update! I'll most likely not update next week because I'm going on a trip.  Sorry in advance.



Flashes of light blinded Bora's eyes as she tried to get past her brother, who was blocking her from attacking the girl that stood in front of her.

"You want a fight? I'll give you a fight!" Bora was angry as she tried to reach for any body part.

"Bora, stop. It's not worth it," Sungjae pushed his sister further back from the fighter who wanted to start trouble.

Bora didn't even know how she ended up in this mess. Just last night she was smiling and laughing. Bora was excited for the next match that she was set to fight. The thrill was coming back. But in no way did she expect to find herself in this situation.

Sungjae turned around to face the female fighter, giving her a glare that would send anyone running away. He took a glance at her coach and approached him, pointing a finger at him.

"How dare you? As a coach you should know better than to stoop this low," Sungjae jabbed a finger at his chest. He quickly turned toward the press, who were quickly taking pictures of the blowout.

"You all just what just happened tonight. I hope you don't turn this into something that it's not. Coach Kento Miura is a desperate scum." Sungjae chuckled, a smirk growing on his lips.

The moment he stopped talking, the photographers began taking picture after picture. News reporters were broadcasting the event live.

"Any last words?" A young news reporter yelled out from the crowd.

The crowd grew quiet as Sungjae grabbed the mic from the reporter.

"Miura is playing with fire. Let's see if he's this brave in the arena."

Bora glared at the coach before shifting her eyes to the newbie fighter.

Bora had no idea why she would even agree to hit her in the face with her elbow. If it weren't for Bora's fast reflex, that action could have cost her the match.

It was a very stupid move on the fighter's part. Bora couldn't hit her here but she was definitely planning on letting out her rage in the arena.

Her father couldn't attend the conference because he felt ill the day before. Both the siblings promised that they would be able to handle themselves but seeing the look that her father's intern gave her, she could tell her father was watching this event unfold from his hospital bed.

"Your father thinks it's best to leave now," the intern whispered into her ear and she gave a slight nod. Sungjae was already walking toward her, wanting to leave this chaos as soon as possible. Just when Sungjae brushed past her, Bora gave a glare before making one last comment.

"I'd begin training extra hard if I were you," Bora scoffed before exiting right after her brother.


"Upcoming match between Yook Bora and Satomi Ayase is sure to draw blood"

Bora couldn't help but scowl at the newspaper title.

"Don't think about it, Bora," her dad's words interrupted her train of thoughts.

"She lacks experience. Ayase began fighting two years ago. She's a hot-headed rookie and that will be her downfall," her father took sips of tea in between his words.

"Ayase is too eager to win and doesn't see the gap of skills between her and you."

"Father is right. Stop thinking about it. It's obvious that you've got the advantage. You know that" Sungjae rubbed her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"Did you see the look on her face?" Her father began laughing. "She looked like a terrified child when you walked away."

"Well, I did learn from the best," Bora smiled as she hugged her father.

Her father's smile grew as he heard her comment.

"You sure that you'll be fine on your own?" Bora stood up to grab her things. Sungjae did as well. Both the siblings were hesitant. They didn't want to leave their father alone.

"Of course. It's only food poisoning. I shouldn't have eaten the plate of pork late at night," her father began to talk to himself.

"You should have listened to us," Bora shook her head in disapproval.

"You'll be late for your photoshoot. Hurry, go. I'll be fine, Jaehyung is stopping by later."

That caused the siblings to calm down a bit. Their father wouldn't be completely alone. The intern would keep him company.

"Alright. We'll be going. Call us if you need anything, alright?" Sungjae hugged his father.

Before exiting the hospital, both the siblings wore large sunglasses to hide a majority of their face.

After the drama that blew up, every news station wanted in on the drama and they weren't having it. They needed space.


"I look terrible in this photo!" Sungjae shook his head as he flipped through the magazine. " they didn't get my good side for the cover photo."

"Quit looking at yourself and help me take out your equipment." Bora groaned when her brother's large black bag wouldn't budge.

"Looks like they didn't get your good side either," Sungjae clicked his tongue as he flipped the page.

"What?!" Bora dropped the bag and charged toward her brother. "Let me see that!"

"I look bloated from this angle!" Bora tilted the book as if that would make it any better.

"Look who's concerned now?" Sungjae chuckled as he teased his sister.

"Shut up" Bora commented, throwing the magazine across the room. "Dad is waiting for us in the training room. We've been slacking," Bora yelled as she tried to pull the bag toward the door.

"Last week's photoshoot turned out to be a disaster. I gave them tons of photos with my good side and they choose all the bad ones."

"Quit your whining!" Bora hit him on the head with the rolled-up magazine that she grabbed. "Training! Now! I'm not the one who wants to be the victim of dad's wrath!"

"Fine! Fine! I'll go," Sungjae pouted, rubbing the back of his head.

"Thank you," Bora sighed, grabbing her training bag.

Sungjae could get his own bag.

Just as she exited her house, a ding rang from her phone.

Jungkook: would you like to meet up by the café later?

Bora couldn't help but feel giddy inside.

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