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Jungkook had believed that his call with Bora would help ease his nerves, but it had the opposite effect. He found it a bit weird that Bora hadn't picked up his call when he called her in the afternoon. He didn't think much of it at first but when he heard her voice last night, she seemed distant somehow. Almost as if it pained her to talk to him.

Was she upset over something? Did I do something wrong? Different questions plagued her mind but most of them vanished when she had texted him while he was getting ready for school.

I'll call you later :)

That really did help ease his nerves a bit. When he had asked if she was alright, Bora said she was fine. Even if he didn't fully believe her, her laughs helped reassure him that she was safe.

"Watch out!" A hand had gripped his arm, pulling him back from walking through ongoing traffic.

"Do you want to get yourself killed?" Haneul let out a laugh when Jungkook appeared to be in a daze. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" He had finally realized the person in front of him. Haneul appeared to have gotten the official school uniform.

"Sorry. I was just thinking," Jungkook let out a smile before facing her. "How are you doing?"

"I'm great, actually," Haneul gave a small smile before continuing. "I was wondering if you could give me a tour of the place. I don't know the school that well, except the places I have class."

Jungkook was contemplating if he should. Would I have time to grab a snack before class? He was a bit early today. "Sure, but could it be quick? I'' like to grab something from the cafeteria before class."

"Of course!" Haneul nodded before taking out her schedule. "Do any of our classes overlap?" She asked hopefully before smiling at him.

He had quickly scanned her schedule before his eyes landed on a particular class. "Yeah, we have history together."

"Really?" Haneul's eyes widened in excitement. "That's so exciting." Jungkook just gave her a kind smile. It was still a bit awkward. He had thought she was dead for the past four years and he was now speaking to her as if nothing. He was still getting used to the idea.

"Look, the light changed!" Haneul smiled before looping her arm around his before dragging him across the street. "Start by showing me the art room. You know how much I love to draw!" She giggled seeing his bewildered expression. It almost reminded her of the old times.


"I'm about to kill this kid," Jimin let out an annoyed sigh. The other members had also realized that he ended up skipping his afternoon classes yesterday. "He told us he'll be here early? Why hasn't he showed up yet?" Namjoon raised a brow while continuing his revisions.

"This child seriously made me wake up early for no reason?" Yoongi rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his apple.

"You were going to come early anyway," Seokjin nudged him on the arm. "We planned to finish our presentation, remember?"

"Still," Yoongi sighed.

"I'll call him," Jimin rolled his eyes as he searched through his contacts.

"I don't think that'll be necessary," Hoseok motioned them to look at the cafeteria entrance.

"Who the hell is she?" Elijah raised a brow, eyes immediately narrowing when she noticed the girl's arm wrapped around his arm.

Jimin looked at his younger friend with confusion, hands slowly falling to his side. He had immediately recognized the girl smiling next to Jungkook. The transfer student. What he didn't understand was how they knew each other.

An Unexpected ClandestineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin