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It's been a stressful week for me. I'm sorry for the late update. I do have some news to bring to you though. Both good and bad.
I have numerous story ideas that I want to write next. Although I do have one or two plots that are personal favorites, I haven't finalized which member will be the main lead.

Is there a particular member that you want me to write about? Don't be shy! (comment here or pm me!)

I do plan on writing another story as soon as I'm done with this one but I decided to take a different approach this time. Rather than writing and updating each week, I've decided to write the entire story at my own pace before I begin publishing the story. This way, you won't have to wait two/three weeks for every update. Updates will be more consistent. However, since I'll have to write the story from start to finish, I'll be going on a hiatus until I finish writing the new story. (Most likely late spring til Midsummer)

Not to worry, though! This story is far from finished so I won't be going on a hiatus anytime soon.

I might need your help on picking the genre of the next story once we finalize the lead ;)

(As always, Unedited because I'm too lazy to check for any mistakes)


"Why is it that I always forget my trig textbook?" Jungkook sighed as he began unlocking his locker. The fact that his locker is located at the opposite end of the hallway. just heightened his annoyance. "I'm so stupid."

Once he spotted the blue book, he immediately closed his locker and began to make his way toward the cafeteria. Jungkook didn't get that far. Before he knew it, he ran into someone causing him to tumble on the floor. What he saw next took his breath away. He felt as someone had taken a hold of his lungs. Taking a look at the person in front of him, Jungkook felt all the tears resurface. He felt nothing but shock and panic. His guilt had caught up with him. Jungkook didn't even realize he was crying.

Haneul didn't seem to realize the panic that he was going through. Her smile grew wider when she realized the person she had been looking for was right in front of her.

"Hey—" Haneul smiled, extended her hand to grab onto his but Jungkook kept crawling back with each step she took. Her smile immediately vanished, a confused expression soon replacing it.

"You don't remember me?"

Jungkook's breath just grew more labored, tears streaming down his face as he shook his head in denial.

"You died! Those girls killed you!" He yelled as his feet pushed against the ground, scared that his hallucinations had come back again. "...and it was all my fault."

"What do you mean I died? I'm very much alive," her voice was soft, visible sadness in her eyes.

"No, you're dead! We held a burial and everything!" Jungkook had stopped looking at her. He didn't want to think that he was going insane. His head held low, palms covering his eyes.

"This isn't real. None of this is real," he muttered, slowly standing up, prepared to walk away and go home. He hadn't had to visit his therapist in quite a while. He guessed that he needed them now.

"Stop..." Haneul grabbed onto his sleeve, but Jungkook was having none of it. He wanted to get out of there.

"Let go!" He pulled his arm away, not bothering to look back. The fact that he could feel her touch told him that this wasn't a hallucination. She was standing in front of him but a part of him wanted to remain in denial. He couldn't help but feel remorse every time he stared at her. She suffered because of him. He should have noticed the signs. He should have taken action, but he never did.

An Unexpected Clandestineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن