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Sorry for the late update!



"I seriously can't stand our teacher!" Taehyung sighs as he exited the classroom, Bora close behind him.

It's been a day and Bora tried to keep him happy since he wasn't in a good mood yesterday.

"Tell me about it! I don't want to waste my time writing a 5-page essay on a Tuesday night." Bora rolled her eyes as she caught up with him, their paces matching.

"Let's forget about it. The guys have asked me to meet them at the cafe after school, Elijah too. Do you want to come?" Bora hoped he would say yes. The guys didn't want Taehyung to be alone at a time like this. Even if he hasn't said anything, they know something is off.

Taehyung wasn't acting like himself.

"Sure. I've been craving some coffee lately." That wasn't a lie. Taehyung has been living off of coffee to stay awake all night while he would sort through the piles of documents on his desk.

He's sure that the guys have noticed the dark circles under his eyes but weren't saying anything.

"Great! Just let me get something from my locker," grabbing his hand, Bora dragged Taehyung down the hallway toward the direction of her locker.

"What do you need to grab?" Taehyung didn't shake off her hold on him, willingly allowing her to pull him.

"My folder. I forgot to take it after lunch. I didn't want to be late for History."  She couldn't help but sigh at her mistake.

"Wouldn't want that, would we?" Taehyung grinned. "That teacher can be a total nightmare."

A laugh escaped both their lips as they turned the corner, finally arriving at Bora's locker.

It didn't take long before Bora opened the door to her locker and shoved the grey folder into her bag.

When she was ready, Bora realized that Taehyung has turned to look behind him.

"Is Jungkook coming with us?" Taehyung kept staring at something behind him.

"Yeah. He told me he had some things to get done before he meets up with us." Bora raised a brow at him as she clicked the lock closed.

Finally looking toward Taehyung's direction of sight, Bora realized why he was asking.

At the back corner of the hall, two people were standing next to each other beside the pillar, barely visible. No wonder why both of them didn't notice the other two.

There stood Jungkook, leaning against the wall, one hand holding the strap of his backpack against his back. He seemed to be concentrating, nodding every once in a while as the girl in front of him showed him something on her phone.

Bora didn't understand why but she felt a tiny pang of— could it be jealously?

Immediately dropping the idea, she turned to face Taehyung.

That can't be it...can it?

"It must be his art class. That kid is stressed and with good reason. He's barely passing." Taehyung shook his head as he turned his body around to face Bora once again.

"How? I've seen his drawings, they're great." Bora remembered seeing several sketches of flowers, trees, and people all over his notebook.

"Let's just say Jungkook isn't the best at following directions," Taehyung looked down at the floor, a chuckle escaping his lips.

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