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The bell rings as Bora begins hearing loud cheers in the arena. "Yook Bora– she's down! She's down!" The reporter screams when Bora falls to the ground after her win. She knew it wasn't good. Bora felt an immense pain on her knee, no longer being able to support her own weight.

"Bora!" Her dad's eyes widened as her head hit the floor. She was already moaning in pain.

Sungjae cursed under his breath when reporters began taking photos. "Ri Chansun, speaking," the young reporter looked into the camera. "Moments after her victory, Yook Bora collapsed–" Sungjae didn't give him the chance to finish, quickly unplugging the camera from the monitors.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Sungjae was livid, shoving the reporter against the wall". You know the rules! My dad is the only one who speaks about incidents like these. " His eyes narrowed as the reporter gulped. These were sensitive topics that must be dealt with care. This was the main reason his father insisted on holding press conferences if anything like this occurs. His dad was a master at crushing any doubt.

"I didn't know," the man stuttered.

"Then I suggest you learn," Sungjae gritted his teeth before stepping back.

"If I see any pictures, you'll be hearing from our lawyer," he turned to look at the other reporters, who have grown quiet.

A part of him knew it would be too late. Part of the reporter's statement had already aired. All people could do was speculate. He'll make sure that that's all they could do. Any photos that appeared online would get removed immediately.

Once he was out of sight, he immediately ran toward their break room. Sungjae could already hear the cries.

"Shit," he cursed as he opened the door with a slam. Not wasting any time, Sungjae kneeled by his sister's bed, holding her hand.

"What happened?" He asked as Bora tightened her hold on his hand.

"That bitch took a swing to my injured knee as soon as she knew that I would win," Bora spoke, making sure to whisper the 'injured' part.

"I'm going to kill her coach," Sungjae clenched his jaw.

"I wouldn't worry about that," Bora cried when the medic began to tightly wrap her knee.

"Why not–"

"Dad was furious–" Bora exhaled slowly when the medic proceeded to slowly bend her knee.

"Does this hurt?"

"A bit," Bora replied honestly. The medic nodded before exiting the room. "I'll go inform your father."

"Where is dad?" Sungjae raised a brow, finally noticing that his father was missing.

"That's what I was going to tell you," Bora sighed. "As soon as I told him what had happened, he went straight to the coach's room. "

"Oh shit," He shook his head. "He's about to end that man's career."

"I haven't even stayed for  a day and you're already injured!" A voice screamed and Bora gave a small smile to the figure standing at the entrance of the door.

"It's part of the job, Elijah," Bora gave a strained chuckle, motioning her friend to walk closer. "Did you enjoy the match?"

"I did until you collapsed on the ground!" Elijah frowned, crossing her arms.

"Will you be fine on your own?" Sungjae looks at his sister, wanting to make sure she was alright?" Bora gave a small smile before nodding. "I'll go check on dad," Sungjae smiled before turning to Elijah.

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