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'I genuinely think you haven't been out in about three months.'

'I genuinely think sometimes you forget I work my arse off pretty much every day.'

'Just saying... after the break up you spent a couple of weeks out wild partying and then you completely shut everyone and everything out. It'd do you good, I promise!'

Perrie sighed loudly, knowing that Ellie wasn't going to give up easily. 'Where are you going?'

'Just for dinner, nothing crazy. It's just girls as well, the twins and a couple of their friends.'

'If I say yes this time, do you promise to stop trying to sort my life out for the next 6 months??'

'I can certainly try.'

'Let me find something to wear then.'

Perrie knew her cousin was right and a night out couldn't do any harm.



Saturday morning and as usual, that meant breakfast out for the boys.

'What have you got planned for the rest of the day mate?'

'Not much, Goergie's hangover from last night so you might as well come back to mine and join me on the Playstation.'

'Sounds like a plan to me!' Alex loved having a couple of days off where he could just do 'normal things' with his life-time friends.

Once at home, the boys played a couple of games on FIFA before Matt's girlfriend went downstairs to join them.

'Had fun last night, eh?'

'It was lovely, I just have the worst headache today! But we really had a great time.'

'I can tell, my Instagram feed is full of pictures of you and your friends!' Alex laughed taking the mick out of his best friend's girlfriend. As he kept scrolling down on his phone, one of those picture captured his attention.

'Who's that girl?'

'Who? The girl in the red?'

'Yeah, I recognize her from somewhere.'

'She's in Little Mix, Perrie. I'm quite surprise you even know who they are to be fair! It's not exactly your type of music.'

'Maybe not their music, but she definitely is!'

'Don't even think about it.'

'What?! I didn't say anything!'

'And you're not going to! I'm not setting you up!'

'Oh c'mon.'

'I don't even know her that well, literally met the girl yesterday! What am I supposed to say to her? Hey my friend Alex thinks you're hot, mind if I give him your number?!'

'That's an idea!' Alex said laughing. 'Matt, tell your girlfriend to be a little more cooperative.'

Matt put his hands up shaking his head: smart move!

'Ah alright then, I can ask but just to warn you, she is just recovering from a really bad break up so I wouldn't hold my hopes up if I was you.'

'Red suits you btw.'Where stories live. Discover now